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L&D Strategy

How Can L&D Deliver When the CEO Delivers a Capability-Led Business Strategy


Julie Fitzgerald, Organisational Learning Manager at Z Energy New Zealand, joins Blake Proberts on the Strategic L&D Podcast to talk about aligning learning and business strategy. Spoiler: it starts and ends with business strategy itself. Listen to the full episode above or watch below.

Key takeaways

1. Capabilities = tailored learning.

Capabilities consider tools and systems as much as behaviours and proficiencies. (Side note: if you’re working with capability-led strategies, then you’re likely hiring people with the right skills off the bat, too.)

2. Make your people learning facilitators.

The quickest way to embed learning in your culture is to make it accessible and engaging for all. Incorporate informal activities like lunch and learns with experts to bring it home.

3. Mix up your assessments.

Blending self-assessments with other forms of evaluation creates a holistic view of capability gaps, and gives learners a little bit of motivation, too.

4. Make learning tech work for your people.

Focus on being nimble and creating relevant content with what’s available rather than investing in flashy, expensive solutions.

5. Everyone has a part.

Get stakeholders to say what outcomes they need, so you can focus on what learning outcomes will change behaviours.

See more from our host: Blake Proberts

Hear more of the Strategic L&D Podcast on Spotify and Apple. You’ll also find us in video form on YouTube.

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