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Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making is the aptitude to interpret, understand, and leverage data, transforming it into actionable information, used to guide strategic decisions. It underscores the behavioral competency to be analytically minded, think critically, logically, and transparently, allowing for informed, unbiased decision-making in the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to use data in decision-making. You understand its importance but are still developing the skills necessary to interpret and effectively utilize the information.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to use data effectively to inform decision making, identifying trends, patterns, and insights to drive strategic and impactful behaviors within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently leverage data to make informed, strategic decisions that drive organizational success. You demonstrate a deep understanding of how data influences behaviors.

Crisis Management

Crisis Management is the capacity to effectively respond to unforeseen challenges or emergencies, exhibiting organization, calm demeanor, swift decision-making, and proactive communication. This behavior requires resilience, adaptability, and strong leadership skills, capable of minimizing potential harm and maintaining stability in the workplace environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing skills to respond to crises promptly. You can identify potential crises, gather relevant information, and participate effectively in mitigation efforts.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are adept at swiftly identifying and addressing crises within the organization, demonstrating strong leadership, decision-making, and communication skills to effectively manage and resolve challenging situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effectively lead and coordinate responses to crises, demonstrating strong decision-making skills, calmness under pressure, and the ability to think strategically and proactively.


Resilience is the ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors or changing demands, maintaining optimism and focus, while handling adversity constructively. It reflects an individual's tenacity, adaptability and strength in challenging situations, and their capacity to bounce back from setbacks.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing your ability to recover quickly from setbacks. You begin to show perseverance amidst difficulties, displaying limited but growing stress tolerance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and remain focused under pressure. You demonstrate a positive attitude and problem-solving skills in challenging situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate resilience by bouncing back quickly from setbacks, maintaining a positive attitude, and adapting well to change in challenging situations within the organization.


Adaptability is the ability to adjust one's behaviors and efforts in response to new situations, changes and challenges at work. It requires flexibility, openness to new ideas, and effective problem-solving skills to succeed in varying conditions and environments.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate openness to change. You readily accept new tasks, adapt your approach when required, and show resilience amidst uncertainty and unfamiliar situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to quickly adjust your approach to changes in the workplace, demonstrating flexibility and resilience in the face of unexpected challenges.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, demonstrating high levels of flexibility, innovation, and resilience in your Behaviors within the organization.


Collaboration is the ability to work effectively with others, sharing ideas, knowledge and skills in a respectful and helpful manner. It involves promoting teamwork, avoiding conflicts, appreciating diversity, and actively contributing to collective goals. This behavior benefits the individual, the team, and ultimately, the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to work effectively in a team, sharing ideas openly, showing willingness to cooperate and contribute towards shared goals in a respectful manner.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively engaging with others, sharing information, ideas, and resources, and working together towards common goals within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to foster a culture of teamwork and shared success, consistently seeking input from others and valuing diverse perspectives to drive collaboration within the organization.


Self-awareness is the ability to introspectively understand one's emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. It involves recognizing personal strengths, weaknesses, and how one's actions impact others. This capability is crucial for enhancing interpersonal relations, fostering empathy, shaping reactions, and steering personal growth in a professional context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand your emotions, recognizing their impacts on behavior. You are also developing the ability to identify personal strengths and areas for improvement.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are aware of how your behaviors impact others and the overall work environment. You actively seek feedback and reflect on your actions to continuously improve your self-awareness.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are highly self-aware, constantly reflecting on your actions and how they impact others. You demonstrate a deep understanding of your own emotions and behaviors.


Humility is the ability to acknowledge one's limitations and mistakes, welcome feedback, and appreciate the contributions of others. It involves prioritizing team success over personal glory, fostering a learning environment, and demonstrating respect and empathy towards everyone within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to acknowledge and appreciate contributions of others. You show awareness of your limitations and actively seek guidance to improve.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate humility by showing respect for others, being open to feedback, recognizing your own limitations, and putting the team's success above personal recognition.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate humility by actively seeking feedback, admitting mistakes, and putting the needs of the team above your own ego in all situations.


Innovation is the ability to apply original, creative thought processes in order to bring forth and implement new ideas or improvements. It involves exploring uncharted territories, fostering a curious mindset, continuously learning and adapting, and driving toward inventive solutions that enhance organizational effectiveness.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to explore and adopt new ideas. You occasionally challenge the status quo and are beginning to recognise potential innovative solutions in your area.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to generate and implement creative ideas, continually seek new ways to improve processes, and demonstrate a willingness to take calculated risks in driving innovation.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently generating original and effective ideas, challenging the status quo, and driving continuous improvement through innovative approaches in all aspects of your work.


Inclusivity is the demonstration of valuing and leveraging differences within teams and communities. It involves active listening, fairness, empathy, and respect for all perspectives. This behavior promotes diversity, fosters belonging, ensures equal participation, and creates an environment where all feel empowered to contribute their unique skills.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate an understanding and respect for diverse perspectives, seeking to understand others' viewpoints and developing an inclusive mindset.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively fostering an inclusive environment within your team by valuing and respecting the diverse perspectives, experiences, and ideas of all members.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are skilled at fostering a culture of inclusivity by actively seeking diverse perspectives, valuing all contributions, and creating a sense of belonging for everyone within the organization.


Transparency is the ability to communicate honestly and openly, ensuring all relevant information is shared in a timely and accessible manner. It involves demonstrating integrity, fostering trust, and promoting an environment where actions align with spoken words, enhancing collective decision-making and teamwork.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to exhibit honesty in communication, gradually understanding how truthful expressions influence team dynamics and foster trust in professional relationships.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently open and honest in your communication, sharing information openly and transparently with your colleagues and actively seeking feedback to improve transparency within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are transparent in all your actions, consistently communicating openly and honestly. You demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior, fostering trust and accountability within the organization.
