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Integrity is the demonstration of moral and ethical principles in all actions, adhering consistently to the organization's values. It involves honesty, transparency, trustworthiness, and the courage to uphold values, even when faced with adversity, ensuring an environment of respect and fairness.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand and demonstrate ethical behavior and honesty. You can identify basic ethical challenges and you respect the values of your organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate integrity by upholding ethical standards, being transparent in your actions, and aligning your behaviors with the organization's core values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in upholding ethical values, demonstrating transparency, honesty, and consistency in all actions. Your integrity serves as an inspiration to others within the organization.


Leadership is the capacity to inspire and influence others through personal embodiment of, and adherence to, the organization's core values. It involves making decisions that align with these values, fostering a values-driven culture, and empowering others to uphold these principles in their work.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to apply organizational values in team settings and starting to take responsibility for promoting these values within your direct sphere of influence.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to lead by example, promoting and upholding values such as integrity, respect, and accountability in all your actions and decision-making processes.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are a role model for embodying and promoting core values, inspiring others to uphold ethical principles and guiding the organization towards its mission with integrity and authenticity.


Humor is the ability to appreciate, express, and engage in light-heartedness and joy in the workplace, fostering a positive and welcoming environment. It supports an organization's values of connectivity, empathy, and morale boosting, while balancing professionalism and leisure, thereby creating a cohesive, friendly and productive work culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to use humor appropriately, demonstrating respect for differing values. You strive to connect with others while upholding the organization's values through light-hearted communication.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to use humor in a respectful and inclusive way that aligns with the organization's values, fostering a positive and engaging work environment for all.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to use humor in a way that fosters a positive and inclusive environment, while also respecting and upholding the organization's values and beliefs.


Assertiveness is the capacity to express one's beliefs, values or opinions in a confident and respectful manner, respecting and understanding the values and perspectives of others. It involves upholding one's personal and organizational values while managing conflicts and maintaining positive relationships.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing the ability to express your views respectfully. You show initial understanding for standing up for the values of the organization, yet with some guidance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to confidently express your values, beliefs, and opinions while also respecting the values and perspectives of others in a respectful and assertive manner.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to confidently and respectfully communicate your values, beliefs, and boundaries, while also actively advocating for what is important to you within the organization.


Patience is the ability to tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without becoming stressed or irritated. It reflects an individual's capacity to maintain emotional balance and composure under pressure. This capability is crucial to nurturing understanding, empathy, and endurance, fostering a values-driven and harmonious workplace culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to grasp the importance of patience in organizational values. You are learning the necessity of calm perseverance during trying circumstances and showing early signs of patience.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate patience by actively listening, understanding diverse perspectives, and maintaining composure in challenging situations, aligning with the organization's values of empathy and respect.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in your commitment to upholding core values, demonstrating exceptional patience in the face of adversity, and inspiring others to emulate your example.


Curiosity is the drive to show deep interest and invest time in understanding organizational values, asking thoughtful questions, seeking new knowledge and continuously learning. It promotes an open mindset and a willingness to explore alternative viewpoints, enhancing alignment with company values and moral principles.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show interest in the values of your organization and peers, asking questions to understand different perspectives, and displaying openness to new ideas.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently curious about understanding different perspectives, seeking out new information, and questioning the status quo to align with organizational values and promote growth and innovation.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply inquisitive and constantly seeking to understand the values driving decisions and actions within the organization. Your curiosity drives a commitment to ethical and inclusive practices.


Persistence is the unyielding commitment to uphold organizational values, regardless of challenges or setbacks. It requires resilience, tenacity, and unwavering dedication to consistently uphold these principles, encouraging a positive work environment and driving the continuous betterment of the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate persistence by consistently showing commitment to the organization's values, even when faced with challenging situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate perseverance and determination in upholding your values, even when faced with challenges or obstacles in the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in upholding your values, even in the face of adversity. You consistently demonstrate unyielding dedication and commitment to living out your deeply held beliefs.


Proactivity is the act of taking initiative and demonstrating forward-thinking in alignment with an organization's values. It involves anticipating future needs, acting in advance, and fostering a values-based ethos that encourages preventive action, innovation, and responsible decision-making oriented towards positive outcomes.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are recognizing the significance of demonstrating initiative. You're taking basic steps to foster proactivity, but still need guidance to fully uphold organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively seeking opportunities to align your actions with the organization's values, taking initiative to promote and embody ethical behaviors in the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are the embodiment of your organization's values, consistently demonstrating proactive behaviors that not only align with but also enhance the company's culture and ethical standards.


Enthusiasm is the capability to exude genuine excitement and passion towards an organization's core values, effectively motivating and inspiring others. It involves commitment to embodying and promoting these values, creating a positive and empowering workplace culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to consistently demonstrate enthusiasm. You are positive, energetic, and are starting to exhibit a genuine passion linked to your organization's core values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate enthusiasm for upholding and promoting the organization's values. You inspire others through your passion and dedication to these core beliefs.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to embodying and promoting the core values of the organization with genuine enthusiasm, inspiring others to share your passion and dedication.


Reliability is the consistent demonstration of integrity, dependability, and commitment to uphold an organization's values. This includes adhering to agreed-upon standards, maintaining trustworthiness, and fulfilling assigned tasks effectively, thus strengthening an organization's value proposition and credibility.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to consistently uphold organizational values. You strive to meet deadlines and responsibilities, and are starting to show dependability within your role.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating reliability by consistently delivering on promises, meeting deadlines, and honoring commitments, fostering trust and respect within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a beacon of reliability, consistently demonstrating unwavering commitment to values, integrity, and ethical behavior in all your actions and decisions within the organization.


Consistency is steadfast adherence to the same principles, values, and behaviors. It involves maintaining a level of performance that does not fluctuate, ensuring reliability in the application of an organization's core values and translating them into action repeatedly, fostering trust and credibility.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you're starting to understand the importance of consistent behavior in line with the organization's values. You're beginning to demonstrate consistency in actions and decisions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently align your actions and decisions with the values of the organization, demonstrating a commitment to upholding ethical standards and acting with integrity.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in upholding your values, consistently making choices and decisions that align with ethical principles and organizational beliefs, serving as a role model for others.


Confidence is the ability to express oneself assertively and convincingly, underpinned by strong principles and a sense of integrity. It's the unwavering belief in one's values, resulting in decisive decision-making, risk-taking, and a positive and inspiring influence in an organizational setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to exhibit confidence in effectively communicating and upholding organizational values. You understand their importance and are gaining skills in demonstrating these values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to confidently embody and uphold the organization's values, demonstrating a strong belief in their importance and consistently integrating them into your actions and decision-making processes.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in your values, confidently standing up for what you believe in and inspiring others to do the same through your actions and words.


Discretion is the ability to make thoughtful decisions that reflect the organization's values, considering the potential implications of these choices. It requires a deep understanding of the organizational ethos, maintaining confidentiality when needed, and ensuring actions align coherently with the defined ethical standards.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to consider the impact of your decisions on shared values, demonstrating careful thought in safeguarding confidentiality and upholding organizational standards.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate discretion in decision-making, showing a deep understanding of ethical values and principles to guide your actions with integrity and respect.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate impeccable discretion in upholding ethical values and making sound judgments while navigating complex and sensitive situations with integrity and respect.


Sincerity is the capability to act and communicate with honesty, authenticity and integrity, in alignment with the organization's values. It involves demonstrating transparency in intentions and actions, and fostering a trustworthy environment that encourages ethical behavior and decisions.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to embody company values with honesty and genuineness. You consistently strive to express sincerity, but may occasionally need guidance to do so effectively.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating sincerity in your values, acting genuinely, and fostering trust within the organization. You are transparent and authentic in your words and actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are the embodiment of sincerity in all your actions and decisions related to values. You consistently demonstrate authenticity, honesty, and integrity, inspiring those around you.


Loyalty is the unwavering commitment to and demonstration of supportive behavior aligned with the values, mission, and goals of the organization. It involves upholding ethical standards, maintaining confidentiality, and consistently pursuing the common interests of the team or company.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to recognise the importance of loyalty to the organization's values. You demonstrate willingness to align your actions and decisions with these values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are dedicated to upholding the values of loyalty within the organization. You consistently demonstrate commitment, trustworthiness, and support for your colleagues and the company.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in your commitment to the organization's mission and values, consistently demonstrating loyalty even in the face of challenges or temptations.


Precision is the value-centric capability to carry out tasks with extreme accuracy and detail-orientation. It favors meticulousness in execution whilst ensuring adherence to ethical standards, thereby supporting high-quality, reliable outcomes that align with the organization's mission and vision.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to appreciate the importance of precision in upholding the values of your organization. You recognise the need for accuracy and consistency within your role.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate precision in aligning your actions and decisions with the core values of the organization, promoting a culture of integrity and ethical behavior.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate precision in aligning your values with your actions, making ethical decisions with exceptional clarity and accuracy.


Cooperation is the commitment to work collectively, demonstrating mutual respect and common values. It involves putting collective goals before individual interests, promoting communication, trust and harmonious relationships. This value requires embracing diversity, seeking common ground, and enabling effective teamwork within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate understanding of the shared values within your organization and beginning to collaborate with others while respecting these guiding principles.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to actively engage with others, demonstrating respect, empathy, and integrity in order to foster a collaborative and inclusive work environment grounded in shared values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate a deep commitment to collaboration, trust, and respect in all interactions, fostering a culture of teamwork and mutual support within the organization.


Mindfulness is the conscious practice of being fully aware and present in each activity, valuing respect, empathy, and acceptance. It reflects an individual's ability to intentionally focus on their values, facilitating unbiased decision-making and nurturing authentic and ethical interactions within the organizational environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to display mindfulness through regular self-reflection, gaining awareness of how your values and actions align, impacting decisions and interactions positively.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate mindfulness by aligning your actions with the organization's values, leading by example, and promoting a positive and ethical work environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply rooted in mindfulness, demonstrating a profound understanding of the connection between your values and actions, and consistently embodying authenticity and integrity.


Prudence is the capacity to exercise sound judgement in personal and professional conduct. It embodies the value of forethought, caution, and discretion in decision-making processes, while prioritizing ethical considerations and mitigating potential risks. This allows individuals and organizations to navigate effectively through uncertainties while upholding integrity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to develop judgement in aligning decision-making with foundational organizational values. Your prudence shows a growing understanding of balancing risk with ethically-sound choices.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate prudence by consistently making decisions based on ethical principles, long-term consequences, and the impact on individuals and the organization's values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate impeccable prudence in decision-making, consistently aligning your actions with the organization's values and ethical principles, even in complex and challenging situations.


Tolerance is the ability to appreciate and respect diversity, differing perspectives, and challenging situations within the organization. It requires understanding, acceptance and adherence to the organization's values, even when those values differ from your own. This capacity fosters a supportive, inclusive work environment, promoting productivity and teamwork.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to respect and appreciate personal and cultural differences. You demonstrate patience and open-mindedness when dealing with conflicting values and beliefs.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate tolerance by respecting diverse opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds, while upholding your own values and maintaining open-mindedness in all interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate a deep understanding and acceptance of diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity within the organization.


Vigilance is the ongoing attention to uphold and safeguard the organization's values, ensuring adherence to ethical principles. It involves monitoring actions, preempting value breaches, and fostering a culture of integrity, accountability, and transparency to maintain trust and reputation.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of vigilance in maintaining the organization's core values. You are starting to consistently demonstrate this in your actions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently aware of ethical dilemmas and uphold values with integrity. You actively monitor and address breaches of values, fostering a culture of accountability and respect.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in upholding values under all circumstances, demonstrating heightened awareness, discernment, and ethical decision-making to consistently uphold the organization's core principles.


Courtesy is the ability to show politeness, respect and consideration to others in the workplace, reflecting the organization's values of professionalism and empathy. It involves maintaining positive and respectful communication, acknowledging diverse viewpoints and treating colleagues, clients and stakeholders with dignity and kindness.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand and demonstrate courtesy. You try to listen to others, respect differing opinions and maintain a positive attitude in professional interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating courtesy by treating others with respect, kindness, and politeness in all interactions, reflecting the organization's values of empathy and understanding.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are exemplifying unwavering courtesy by always displaying respect, kindness, and consideration towards others, embodying the organization's core values of empathy and integrity.


Calmness is the ability to maintain composure, clear thinking, and balanced emotions in stressful or challenging situations. It's an important value as it fosters a respectful and productive work environment, aids in effective decision making and supports positive relationships between coworkers.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to display calmness under pressure. You react thoughtfully and don't let negative feelings negatively affect your performance. Regularly strive to maintain emotional stability.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate an unwavering sense of calmness in the face of challenges, remaining grounded in your values and principles while navigating difficult situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a beacon of calmness, embodying unwavering composure and serenity in the face of adversity, inspiring others to uphold values of patience and resilience.


Zeal is an individual's profound energy and enthusiasm towards upholding and promoting the organization's core values. It is characterized by deep dedication, fervor, and tireless efforts to embody the institution's principles, fostering a positive culture and inspiring others to do the same.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to show enthusiasm and dedication to your organization's values. You begin to consistently demonstrate these values and understand their importance at your workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are passionate and enthusiastic about upholding the organization's core values. You consistently demonstrate dedication and excitement in living out the organization's beliefs and principles.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in your commitment to upholding values in all aspects of your work. Your enthusiasm and passion for embodying these values are inspiring to others.


Playfulness is the ability to introduce levity and humour into the workplace, thus reinforcing a positive company culture. It encourages creativity, fosters strong workplace relationships, and contributes towards an environment where team members feel valued, respected, and at ease, upholding the core company values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to frequently incorporate joy and creativity into your work, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of fun and positivity in the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate playfulness by embracing creativity, humor, and spontaneity to contribute positively to the values and culture of the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to infuse playfulness into your work, fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and collaboration driven by a strong sense of shared values.


Optimism is the personal ability to maintain a positive perspective, holding the belief in favorable outcomes, even in challenging circumstances. Within an organizational context, it's embodying and promoting a hopeful outlook that fosters resilience and encourages collaborative problem-solving, aligned with company values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to display positivity, viewing challenges as opportunities. You show evidence of looking for and promoting positive aspects in situations, respecting company values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate optimism by maintaining a positive outlook on challenges and opportunities, inspiring others to embrace a values-driven mindset in the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in your belief in the inherent goodness of others and consistently inspire positivity and hope in the face of challenges, embodying resilience and self-assurance.


Perseverance is the sustained effort and unwavering commitment to uphold organizational values, even in challenging situations. This capability involves maintaining integrity and consistency in action, fostering a resilient work environment, and driving continuous improvement in alignment with defined values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate resilience in overcoming obstacles. You're cultivating a patient, long-term perspective and understanding the importance of enduring despite challenges in upholding values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are unwavering in upholding your values, demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges, and consistently staying committed to your principles and beliefs.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in your commitment to upholding core values, even in the face of adversity and challenges, serving as a beacon of integrity and perseverance for others.


Boldness is the driving force that propels individuals to take decisive actions, challenge norms, and innovate, eventually fostering an environment of growth and value-oriented decision-making. In essence, it is about advocating ethical standards, being courageous, and adopting a fearless approach in upholding an organization's values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show willingness to take risks. You may have some hesitation, but you can demonstrate courage and stand strong on organizational values when required.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are courageous in standing up for your values, taking risks to uphold what you believe in, and inspiring others to do the same within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unafraid to challenge the status quo and advocate for what is right, even in the face of opposition, embodying courage and integrity in all decisions.


Altruism is the selfless dedication to the well-being of others, embodying the core value of putting others' interests ahead of one's own. In an organizational context, it manifests as a commitment to collective success, fostering a culture of cooperation, empathy, and mutual respect.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show genuine concern for others. You display basic acts of selflessness and are still learning to prioritize collective needs over personal interests.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to putting the needs and well-being of others before your own, embodying the value of altruism in all your actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to altruism in all aspects of your work, consistently displaying selflessness, empathy, and a genuine concern for the well-being of others within the organization.


Reflection is a crucial capability demonstrating the ability to introspect, evaluate, and assimilate personal and organizational values. It involves conscious contemplation about actions, decisions, and their alignment with both ethical standards and the collective values of the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to internalize company values, identifying their importance, subtly incorporating them into your thought processes, and beginning to reflect upon their impact on your behavior.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to regularly reflect on your personal values, beliefs, and actions, ensuring alignment and consistency with the values of the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to critically reflect on your personal values, challenge your beliefs, and consistently align your actions with your core values, setting a strong example for others.


Composure is the ability to maintain emotional control and stability, demonstrating calmness, patience and resilience particularly in challenging situations. It upholds an organization's values by instilling confidence, encouraging logical decision-making and promoting a harmonious working environment, irrespective of external pressures.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate calmness and self-control under stress, practicing patience while upholding organizational values in your decisions and actions. You sustain this decorum during challenging situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to maintain composure in challenging situations, demonstrating strong values of resilience, self-control, and emotional intelligence in upholding organizational values and ethics.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to maintain a calm and composed demeanor in challenging situations, consistently demonstrating your commitment to upholding the organization's values of integrity and respect.


Contentment is the capability to find fulfilment and satisfaction within one's role and the organization's values. It requires aligning personal values with corporate ethics, fostering a positive and emotionally balanced work environment, and actively seeking joy in daily tasks and achievements.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to appreciate the importance of contentment within the organization's value system. You recognise and strive for satisfaction in your roles and responsibilities.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to find contentment in aligning your actions with the organization's values, demonstrating consistency and integrity in your behavior and decision-making processes.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply rooted in your values, finding contentment in living authentically and aligning your actions with your core beliefs, inspiring others to do the same.


Determination is the relentless commitment to uphold organizational values against all challenges. It exhibits perseverance, tenacity, and the willingness to challenge adversity to ensure consistency and alignment with the values, leading to the achievement of organizational objectives.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing the capability to consistently demonstrate determination. You show initial understanding of preserving values despite challenges, beginning to value resilience and tenacity in oneself.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are committed to upholding your values despite challenges, demonstrating resilience and perseverance in staying true to your beliefs and principles within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in upholding your values, demonstrating exceptional perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, showing unyielding commitment to what you believe in.


Diligence is the commitment to persistently upholding company values in all tasks and interactions. It refers to an individual's consistent attention to detail, rigorous adherence to organizational standards, conscientious work ethic, and steadfast resolve to maintain integrity, demonstrating dedication to the organizational core values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to consistently demonstrate careful and persistent work or effort. You show basic understanding and awareness of the importance of diligence.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating a strong work ethic and dedication to upholding the core values of the organization, consistently going above and beyond to ensure success.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in upholding values, consistently demonstrating diligence in aligning actions with organizational beliefs, and setting a standard of excellence for others to follow.


Elegance is the ability to uphold and express the organization's values with sophistication, grace, and simplicity. It involves demonstrating these values in a classy, compelling manner that inspires respect and admiration, while influencing others towards an aligned understanding and embodiment of the inherent principles.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to appreciate elegance, displaying a rudimentary understanding of maintaining aesthetic appeal and simplicity in your actions consistent with organizational values. You need to refine your skills.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to embody elegance in your actions, choices, and interactions, consistently demonstrating grace, refinement, and a commitment to upholding values of beauty and sophistication.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to embody elegance in all aspects of your work, consistently demonstrating a deep understanding and commitment to upholding values of grace, refinement, and sophistication.


Equanimity is the ability to maintain emotional stability and composure under pressure, demonstrating resilience to adversity. It includes exercising tact in difficult situations, staying calm, accepting outcomes with grace, and adhering to ethical standards regardless of circumstances. This value is critical in a sound decision-making process.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing a composed temperament. You are beginning to maintain tranquility and handle unsettling situations while upholding the organization's core values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to maintain a sense of equanimity in the face of challenges, demonstrating a deep commitment to your values and ethics despite difficult circumstances.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to maintain a sense of calm and balance in the face of challenging situations, staying true to your values and principles at all times.


Ethicality is the capacity to discern right from wrong and uphold integrity. It involves commitment to fairness, honesty, and respect in all actions. In the context of organizational values, it refers to consistently making decisions and behaving in a manner aligned with the organization's stated ethical standards.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to recognize the importance of ethical behavior in the workplace and showing an initial understanding of carrying out actions according to organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to ethical behavior. You consistently apply ethical principles and values in your decision-making processes and interactions with others.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are embodying integrity and demonstrating ethical behavior consistently, inspiring others through your commitment to upholding values and principles within the organization.


Grace is embodying dignity, respect, and moral integrity that promote a positive and harmonious organizational environment. It infers demonstrating kindness, generosity, and humility in dealings with others, even under pressure or disagreement, upholding the core values and reinforcing office harmony.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate grace in line with the organization's values. You strive to exhibit patience, understanding and kindness towards colleagues consistently.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate grace by consistently embodying values such as respect, empathy, and integrity in your interactions with others, fostering a positive organizational culture.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to embody grace in your values by consistently demonstrating empathy, compassion, dignity, and respect in all your interactions, setting a positive example for others.


Harmony is the ability to maintain and enhance a positive and balanced workplace atmosphere by appreciating diversity, fostering cooperation and resolving conflicts, thus aligning with the organization's core values. It involves embracing, respecting, and promoting shared values for collective well-being and productivity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to appreciate the importance of harmony in aligning your actions with organizational values, fostering a respectful and collaborative work environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to navigate and maintain harmonious relationships within the organization by prioritizing shared values, fostering collaboration, and resolving conflicts constructively.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently align your actions with the organization's values, inspiring others to do the same and creating a harmonious work environment based on shared values.


Imagination is the ability to form unique ideas and concepts, associated with the values of innovation, creativity, and vision. In an organizational context, it involves envisioning novel solutions or approaches aligning with the company's core values, thus contributing positively to its culture, growth, and overall success.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate an ability to envision possibilities and act upon core values, fostering innovative ideas that further the organization's value-based goals.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate creativity and innovation in aligning your values with imaginative solutions that drive positive change and inspire others within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently exhibit imagination in applying ethical values to create innovative solutions that align with organizational goals and enhance overall workplace culture.


Impartiality is the unbiased outlook that ensures fairness and equality in all organizational transactions. A key value capability, it signifies judgement free from favouritism or prejudice, encouraging diverse perspectives, treating everyone equitably, and making decisions rooted in objectivity and openness for the organization's best interest.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and demonstrate impartiality. You treat everyone equally, refrain from favoritism, and strive to make fair and just decisions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate impartiality in decision-making, ensuring fairness and equality in all situations, while upholding the organization's values of integrity and ethics.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwaveringly committed to upholding impartiality in all decision-making processes, demonstrating a deep understanding of the importance of fairness, equity, and ethical considerations.


Ingenuity is the ability to apply innovative, creative thinking to overcome challenges, adhering to organizational values. It signifies using intellect, ethics, empathy and personal character to ideate and implement solutions that align with the ethos of the workplace and benefit all stakeholders.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show creativity in aligning your actions with the company's values. As an ingenious thinker, you start embedding innovativeness in your value-based decisions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate ingenuity by creatively solving problems in alignment with company values, contributing positively to a culture of innovation and ethical decision-making.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate ingenuity in aligning your actions with the core values of the organization, fostering a culture of innovation and ethical decision-making.


Kindness is the moral value of demonstrating genuine empathy and compassion towards others within an organization. It fosters an environment of mutual respect and understanding, encouraging positive interpersonal relationships, leading to greater productivity and a more cohesive organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to display gestures of kindness to colleagues, showing respect and a readiness to help out. You're beginning to understand the value of empathy in a team setting.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating kindness by valuing and respecting the perspectives, feelings, and well-being of others, fostering a positive and inclusive work environment based on authentic care.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently modeling and promoting kindness within the organization, demonstrating empathy, compassion, and understanding towards others, and inspiring a culture of respect and support.


Modesty is the ability to recognize one's achievements without boasting, integrating core organizational values such as humility, respect, and integrity. It involves underscoring teamwork over individual gains, keeping ego in check, and fostering an environment that promotes collective success, cooperation, and mutual respect.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand the value of modesty in the workplace. You demonstrate humility, recognize others' input, and are willing to accept constructive feedback.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate modesty by consistently valuing others' contributions, staying humble in your own achievements, and showing respect and appreciation towards others.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate humility and selflessness in all aspects of your work, putting the needs of others before your own and always acting with integrity and sincerity.


Perceptiveness is the ability to recognize, understand and align one's actions with an organization's values. It entails a deep acknowledgment of ethical standards, nuances in the corporate culture, and comprehension of how these values influence strategies, decision-making processes, and daily operations.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show an understanding of organizational values. Your perceptiveness reflects in recognizing and partially aligning personal actions with these values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to accurately perceive and understand the values, beliefs, and motivations of others, enhancing your ability to effectively navigate and respect diverse perspectives within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are highly perceptive, able to deeply understand and appreciate the diverse values of others, demonstrating empathy, respect, and inclusivity in all interactions.


Pragmatism is the ability to approach values with a practical, realistic perspective, focusing on actionable solutions that align with the organization's guiding principles. It implies adaptability, balancing idealism with achievability, whilst maintaining integrity and respect for shared beliefs and ethos.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to apply practical methods to your work. You're making value-based decisions, understanding that perfect solutions aren't always viable or necessary.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to apply pragmatism effectively, balancing ideals with practicality to make decisions and actions that align with the organization's values and goals.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are adept at leveraging pragmatic values to drive decision-making and problem-solving, consistently demonstrating a commitment to practicality and efficiency in all aspects of your work.


Professionalism is adhering to the ethical standards and values of a profession, consistently displaying a high level of integrity and character. It signifies an individual’s commitment to excellence, confidentiality, accountability, and respect for others, promoting an environment that values trust, honesty, and mutual respect.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of upholding organizational values. You're starting to embody professional behaviors, aligning them with the company's core values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently embodying honesty, integrity, respect, and accountability in all your interactions, demonstrating a strong commitment to upholding ethical values within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are exemplifying unwavering integrity, accountability, and respect in all interactions, consistently upholding your organization's values and principles with a high level of professionalism.


Rationality is the ability to incorporate company values and ethical considerations into decision-making processes. It involves logically evaluating options and outcomes, ensuring decisions align with the organization's mission and objectives, and factoring in the impact on stakeholders.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to apply rationality to values by discerning and evaluating ethical concepts and principles, and linking these to work situations and practices.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to make decisions based on logic, reason, and evidence while considering the values and principles of the organization. You demonstrate a strong sense of rationality.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently make decisions based on rational and ethical principles, prioritizing values and integrity above personal gain or convenience.


Restraint is the ability to control one's emotions, actions, and desires in difficult situations, aligning them with the organization's values. It denotes discipline, patience and the skill to make balanced, ethical decisions, helping to maintain an effective and respectful workplace environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to develop a strong sense of restraint, beginning to hold back immediate reactions while respecting and upholding the values of the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate restraint by making decisions and taking actions that align with the organization's values, even in challenging or high-pressure situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate exceptional restraint in upholding the core values of the organization, consistently making ethical decisions even in challenging situations.


Reverence is deep respect and admiration for the values and beliefs of the organization. It signifies understanding and honoring the inherent worth of the company's guiding principles. Moreover, it involves incorporating these values into work behavior, fostering unity, and influencing positive organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to develop a deep respect for the organization's values, understanding their importance, and striving to incorporate them into your daily professional activities.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate deep respect for different values, beliefs, and cultures. You actively seek to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives within your organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to upholding values of respect, empathy, and humility in all your interactions. You embody reverence for others and their diverse perspectives.


Rigor is the adherence to exacting standards, ensuring meticulous attention to detail and consistent application of values. It involves thorough investigation, uncompromising accuracy, and an unwavering commitment towards upholding organizational principles, fostering a culture of integrity and trust.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to uphold organizational values by demonstrating the ability to apply careful and persistent effort in your work, ensuring accuracy and thoroughness.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently apply rigorous standards and principles to uphold and promote the core values of integrity, transparency, and accountability within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently uphold and demonstrate the core values of the organization with an unwavering commitment to integrity, ethics, and accountability in all your actions.


Sensitivity is the ability to perceive, acknowledge and respect others' feelings, values, and perspectives within the organization. It involves demonstrating empathy and understanding, encouraging diversity and inclusion while promoting a respectful workplace culture aligned to the organization's values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to realise the importance of acknowledging and respecting others' values. You are beginning to consider how these values may influence interactions and decisions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate sensitivity by respecting diverse perspectives, valuing differences, and fostering an inclusive environment that honors the values of all individuals within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are highly attuned to the values of others, demonstrating deep empathy, respect, and understanding in all interactions. Your sensitivity fosters a culture of inclusivity and respect.


Serenity is the ability to maintain calm and peace in the face of adversity or stress. It’s a value-oriented capability reflecting an individual's capacity for self-control, inner tranquility, and emotional balance. This contributes to workplace harmony and fosters an environment of understanding and mutual respect.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of serenity in maintaining balance and composure. You likely demonstrate calmness in less stressful situations but aim to improve in all contexts.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to embody serenity in your actions and decisions, staying composed and calm even in challenging situations, demonstrating a deep commitment to your values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to embody serenity in all aspects of your work, inspiring others to prioritize inner peace, harmony, and tranquility in their values and decision-making processes.


Stability is the capacity to uphold, promote and consistently operate within the core values of an organization, showcasing reliability, predictability, and resilience even under challenging circumstances. It involves maintaining ethical standards, fostering a positive work culture, and perpetuating a secure environment conducive to growth and development.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the role of stability within the organization's values. You can recognise and exhibit stable behaviors inconsistently in low-stress scenarios.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to upholding values of stability within the organization, providing a sense of security and dependability to others.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently embodying and championing stability within the organization, demonstrating unwavering commitment to core values and principles even in the face of challenges and uncertainties.


Steadfastness is the unwavering commitment to uphold an organization's values, showcasing resolute dedication and persistence in maintaining ethical standards, acting as a role model for others. It embodies the ability to stay focused on value-oriented goals, despite challenges and resistance.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate consistency in your values, displaying reliability under few circumstances. You understand the importance of steadiness in your professional values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating unwavering commitment to your values, remaining resolute in upholding your beliefs and principles even in the face of challenges or opposition.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in upholding your values, consistently demonstrating integrity, courage, and resilience in the face of challenges, inspiring others to do the same.


Strength is the ability to uphold and act in accordance with organizational values, despite challenges or setbacks. It involves resilience and determination to promote and safeguard these values, demonstrating moral courage and integrity in all actions and decisions.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and employ the core values. You demonstrate basic strength by respecting and incorporating these values within your daily tasks.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate strong values such as integrity, honesty, and respect in all your actions and decisions within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate and uphold your core values, even in challenging situations. Your strength in values is unwavering and inspirational to others.


Sympathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, eliciting a compassionate response. In organizational values, it pertains to acknowledging colleagues' perspectives and emotions, fostering a supportive workplace that values empathy, contributes to team cohesion, and promotes ethical decision-making.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to empathize and support others in alignment with the organization's values. You begin to recognize and respect others' feelings and situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate empathy and understanding towards others' feelings and perspectives, fostering a culture of compassion and support within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to deeply understand and empathize with others' values and beliefs, demonstrating genuine compassion and support in all interactions, embodying the core value of empathy.


Temperance is the self-regulatory capacity to moderate and control personal desires, emotions, and behaviors aligning with organizational values. It encapsulates personal restraint, prudent decision-making, and the avoidance of excesses, promoting discipline, fairness, and respect within the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate restraint, maintaining composure in challenging situations. You're starting to balance personal desires with organizational values, setting a positive example.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate temperance by consistently prioritizing ethical behavior, making decisions based on values, and exhibiting self-control in challenging situations within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a role model for others in demonstrating self-control and moderation in upholding ethical values, even in challenging situations.


Tenacity is the unwavering commitment to personal and organizational values, demonstrating resilience, courage, and determination in upholding these principles, even in the face of adversities or challenges. It encapsulates persistence to ensure actions align with core beliefs, contributing to long-term stability and success.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you demonstrate tenacity by persisting against obstacles, while maintaining alignment with our organizational values. You begin to show resilience while facing challenging work environments.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are committed to upholding your values, demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges, and showing persistence in pursuing what is ethically right and important to you.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in upholding your values, demonstrating unwavering commitment to what is right and just, even in the face of adversity and challenges.


Thankfulness is the sincere expression of gratitude towards others, acknowledging their contributions and efforts. It aligns with organizational values by fostering appreciation and respect, promoting a positive work environment, and encouraging cooperation and teamwork.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to exhibit appreciation for others' contributions. You openly express gratitude, albeit inconsistently, and are learning to appreciate diverse perspectives within the organization's values framework.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate gratitude and appreciation for others, recognizing the value they bring to the organization and fostering a positive and respectful work environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are embodying gratitude as a core value, consistently showing appreciation for others' contributions and recognizing the importance of expressing thankfulness in all aspects of your work.


Thoughtfulness is the ability to consider and respect others' feelings, perspectives, and well-being. It involves demonstrating empathy and understanding towards team members, fostering an inclusive work environment. This value encourages deliberate actions and decisions that positively impact the workplace, thereby supporting collaboration and organizational success.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to integrate the value of thoughtfulness into your actions. You strive to consider others' perspectives and feelings, albeit inconsistently.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate thoughtfulness by consistently considering the impact of your actions on others and aligning your behavior with organizational values and principles.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate exceptional thoughtfulness in considering the impact of your actions on others, consistently aligning your behavior with the organization's values and principles.


Thrift is the value that promotes economic responsibility and efficiency in the use of resources. It emphasizes the importance of minimizing waste, maximizing value, and cultivating sustainable practices that ensure longevity for individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of thrift in the context of organizational values. You are starting to make resourceful decisions with an awareness of cost efficiency.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate an understanding of the value of thrift, making wise financial decisions and being resourceful in order to accomplish goals effectively.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are an exemplary model of thrift, demonstrating a deep commitment to conserving resources, making wise financial decisions, and living a sustainable lifestyle guided by strong values.


Tidiness is the dedication to maintaining orderliness and cleanliness, symbolizing respect towards the organizational environment and values. It reflects an individual's commitment to value-driven work ethics, discipline and personal responsibility to positively influence the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of tidiness, showing effort to keep your workstation organized, promoting a conducive and productive work environment and demonstrating respect for shared spaces.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating values of organization by maintaining a tidy work environment, showing respect for shared spaces, and promoting a culture of cleanliness and orderliness.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are a role model for others, consistently demonstrating impeccable tidiness in all aspects of your work, showing a deep respect for the values of order and organization.


Tranquility is the capacity to maintain composure and serenity amidst challenging situations, ensuring decisions align with the organization's values. It involves fostering a peaceful environment that encourages thoughtful dialogue, promotes emotional wellbeing, and upholds the integrity of the organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of tranquility, demonstrating patience and calmness even during challenges, while remaining dedicated to fostering a harmonious environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to maintain a sense of tranquility in all situations, embodying values such as peace, calmness, and emotional stability in your interactions with others.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to maintain a deep sense of tranquility in the face of challenges, embodying calmness and composure while staying true to your core values.


Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, or ability of individuals or an organization. In a values context, it represents the confidence that colleagues will act ethically, honestly, and responsibly, enhancing mutual respect and fostering an environment conducive to collective achievements.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of trust in maintaining a positive work environment. You demonstrate honesty and reliability in your interactions, boosting team morale and integrity.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to establish and maintain trust within the organization by consistently demonstrating honesty, integrity, and transparency in all your actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate unwavering trust in yourself, others, and the organization's values, even in the face of challenges or uncertainty.


Understanding is the ability to comprehend and interpret the values of an organization intricately. It involves acknowledging and appreciating these values, their origin, significance, and how they influence the decision-making, actions, and overall ethos within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to grasp the organization's core values. You display basic understanding and make attempts to incorporate these values into your everyday behavior and decision-making processes.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate a deep understanding of the organization's values and their importance in guiding decision-making and behavior within the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to deeply understand and analyze the core values of the organization, consistently demonstrating alignment and integration of these values into your decision-making and actions.


Uniqueness is the ability to uphold and express distinct personal or organizational values that sets an individual or organization apart. It involves recognizing and appreciating uniqueness in values to give rise to innovation, diversity, and authentic engagement in the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to differentiate your values, identifying what's unique to you. You start associating your actions and decisions with these distinct, personal values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to clearly express and defend your unique values, while also respecting and appreciating the diverse beliefs and perspectives of others within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to authentically embrace and celebrate your individuality, recognizing and valuing the unique perspectives and contributions you bring to the organization's culture and goals.


Unity is the collective commitment to embody the shared values of an organization, fostering harmony and synergy for collaborative success. It implies a profound respect for individual contributions, promoting inclusivity, and leveraging diverse talents towards achieving communal goals in an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to grasp the importance of shared values in promoting unity. You actively participate in team activities, learning to respect and appreciate different perspectives.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to understand the importance of unity in upholding shared values within the organization. You actively promote collaboration, inclusivity, and teamwork to foster a cohesive culture.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to cultivate a sense of unity within your team, inspiring collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect among individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.


Vision is the ability to conceptualise and communicate an inspiring, shared future direction aligned with the organization's values, which motivates employees and guides decisions, strategy, and objectives. This long-term perspective requires foresight, creativity, and a deep understanding of core values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and appreciate the core values of the organization. You attempt to align these values with your future vision and goals.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to articulate and inspire others with a clear and compelling vision that aligns with the values and goals of the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to create a compelling and inclusive vision that inspires others, aligns with the organization's values, and drives meaningful change towards a shared purpose.


Warmth is the ability to demonstrate genuine kindness and compassion towards others, promoting positive, trusting relationships. It embodies core values of empathy, understanding, and unconditional positive regard, crucial for fostering an inclusive, respectful organizational environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to display a genuine interest in others' well-being. Your ability to empathize and exude warmth in interactions is being noticed and appreciated.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate warmth by showing genuine care, empathy, and kindness towards others, fostering a positive and supportive environment within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate genuine warmth towards others, fostering a culture of empathy, compassion, and inclusivity within the organization.


Wisdom is the ability to differentiate right from wrong, based on personal values and a profound understanding of the ethics landscape within the organizational context. It involves making informed, value-based decisions that promote overall organizational integrity and ethical conduct, by effectively synthesizing experiences and lessons learned.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the core values of the organization and are developing the ability to apply them in daily operations and decision-making processes.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate wisdom by consistently making ethical decisions, seeking input from diverse perspectives, and applying learnings from past experiences to guide your actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to deeply understand and integrate values such as empathy, integrity, and compassion into your decision-making process, guiding others with wisdom and ethical principles.


Balance is the ability to recognize, appreciate, and equally respect various perspectives and values, demonstrating fairness and impartiality in decision-making processes. This capability exhibits a judicious blend of personal ethos and organizational values in every professional endeavor.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand the importance of balancing personal values with those held by the organization, and beginning to align your actions accordingly.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to prioritize and maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional values, ensuring alignment and harmony in all aspects of your life.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are adept at maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between personal values and organizational values, effectively aligning actions with deeply held beliefs and principles.


Benevolence is the value committed to fostering goodwill, demonstrating acts of compassion and kindness. It involves a persistent willingness to promote the well-being of others, identifying with their needs and elevating their interests without expecting reciprocation. It signifies altruism and selflessness within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to communicate and act in accordance with company values. You show preliminary signs of consideration, kindness and goodwill towards others in the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate benevolence by actively supporting the well-being and happiness of others, showing kindness, empathy, and compassion in all interactions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a role model for compassion and empathy, consistently prioritizing the well-being and happiness of others above personal gain. Values of kindness and altruism guide your actions.


Bravery is the capability to stand up for one's values and beliefs, often against resistance or adversity. It highlights courage, honesty, and integrity, demonstrating a commitment to uphold organizational ethics and maintaining moral principles in the face of potential opposition or criticism.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to demonstrate bravery in standing up for company values, showing courage to challenge actions inconsistent with these values, despite potential personal consequences.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate bravery by upholding your values even in challenging situations, inspiring others to act with courage and integrity.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently demonstrating bravery by courageously standing up for your values, even in the face of adversity, and inspiring others to do the same.


Certainty is the ability to unswervingly uphold and exemplify core organizational values, exhibiting an unambiguous commitment and clear understanding to these irrefutable principles. This skill demonstrates unwavering dedication to the organizational ethos, thereby fostering a stable and reliable organizational identity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are developing an understanding of how personal and organizational values impact certainty. You're beginning to evaluate decisions based on these identified values consistently.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to navigate ambiguity and make decisions confidently, using your values as a guide. You can maintain a sense of certainty in the face of uncertainty.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to upholding your core values and principles in all aspects of your work, demonstrating unwavering integrity and consistency in your decisions and actions.


Clarity is the aptitude to articulate and uphold the organization's core values openly. It involves communicating these values lucidly and unequivocally, ensuring alignment and understanding across the team. Clarity is essential for fostering trust, cohesion, and a shared sense of direction within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to express and implement organizational values with clear understanding. You strive for transparency and coherence while articulating these values amidst your daily responsibilities.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to clearly communicate and uphold the core values of the organization, ensuring that they are understood and embraced by all stakeholders.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to communicate values with exceptional clarity, demonstrating deep understanding and inspiring others to align their actions with these shared beliefs within the organization.


Comfort is the ability to uphold and embody a company's values while operating in a state of ease and confidence, even in difficult situations. It reflects an individual's adaptability and resilience aligned with organizational ethics and principles.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of comfort in lining personal values with the workplace. You’re starting to prioritize and encourage comfort amongst colleagues.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to upholding ethical values, respecting diversity, and fostering an inclusive and supportive environment within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply comfortable with ambiguity, able to navigate conflicting values with ease and maintain integrity in challenging situations, embodying the organization's values effortlessly.


Ambition is a value-centric capability, driving individuals to strive for higher achievement, excellence, and growth within an organization. It involves setting attainable, yet challenging goals, continuously improving, and demonstrating a persistent mindset towards the pursuit of organizational success and personal professional advancement.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to cultivate an understanding of your personal ambition and how it aligns with organizational values. You're nurturing your motivation to achieve these shared goals.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are driven by a strong sense of ambition, constantly striving to achieve your goals while staying true to your core values and ethical principles.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to pursuing both personal and organizational goals with passion, determination, and a relentless drive to achieve excellence in upholding core values.


Care is the demonstration of sensitivity, empathy and consideration towards others' well-being, values and beliefs. It involves promoting a mindful, respecting and supportive work environment that values the unique contribution of every individual. This value fosters trust, collaboration and a strong ethical culture within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate care in aligning personal behavior with organizational values. You understand the importance of respect, empathy, and integrity in the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a genuine concern for the well-being and feelings of others, consistently acting with empathy and compassion in all interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to upholding ethical principles, demonstrating empathy, and prioritizing the well-being of others in all decision-making processes, truly embodying the value of Care.


Challenge is the capacity to question, confront, or argue against a set of values that seem inconsistent or inappropriate in a professional context. It involves promoting a culture of critical thinking, respectful disagreement, and continuous growth anchored in shared organizational values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to question accepted practices and assume responsibility for promoting values that encourage progressive change within your organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to courageously question and push back on actions or decisions that do not align with the organization's values, promoting integrity and ethical behavior.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to fearlessly challenge the status quo, championing values of integrity, fairness, and respect even in the face of opposition or adversity.


Charity is the value demonstrating an individual's ability and willingness to give selflessly to others, embracing humanity, empathy and kindness. This involves understanding, supporting, and engaging in philanthropic activities and initiatives within the organization, contributing to communal well-being and positive societal impact.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to grasp the importance of charity. You demonstrate awareness and contribute modestly to charitable activities that align with organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are actively incorporating the value of charity into your work by consistently demonstrating kindness, generosity, and empathy towards others in your actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to supporting charitable causes, actively seeking opportunities to give back and make a positive impact in the community through your actions and contributions.


Chastity is the practice of maintaining discipline and self-restraint in upholding pure and ethical values. It includes exercising intellectual and emotional honesty, promoting transparency and adhering to professional norms, thereby fostering a respectful and integrity-driven workplace environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and apply the principle of chastity. You show discipline and restraint by avoiding inappropriate or non-value-based actions in your professional interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are embodying the value of chastity by consistently prioritizing purity, modesty, and abstinence in your thoughts, actions, and relationships, aligning with organizational values and ethics.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in upholding the value of chastity, demonstrating the utmost respect for yourself and others by consistently exhibiting purity and modesty in your actions and interactions.

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is the individual's and organizational value that promotes adaptive learning and resilience. It values the ability to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, see efforts as a path to mastery, learn from criticism, and find lessons and inspiration in the success of others.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand the concept of growth mindset. You embrace challenges, see failure as a learning opportunity and believe in the potential for development.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate a growth mindset by embracing challenges, persisting in the face of setbacks, and seeing effort as the path to mastery in achieving values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to continuous learning and development, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and embracing change with a positive and open mindset towards values.

Common Sense

Common Sense is the innate ability to make sound judgements based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. In the context of values, it refers to applying underlying principles intuitively and consistently to uphold organizational standards and facilitate ethical decision-making.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and apply common sense in line with the organization's values. You're making basic decisions, taking learnings and enhancing your judgment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate common sense by consistently making decisions aligned with organizational values, showing respect, integrity, and empathy in all interactions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to apply common sense in complex ethical dilemmas, consistently making decisions aligned with the organization's core values and principles.


Community is the capacity to actively promote and embody shared values, foster inclusive and harmonious environments, and contribute positively to group dynamics, strengthening the fabric of interpersonal relationships within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of shared values in community involvement. You show willingness to participate in community activities reflecting organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively engaging with the community, fostering inclusivity, respect, and social responsibility. You consistently demonstrate empathy, integrity, and a commitment to promoting positive change.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently exemplifying the values of community by fostering a sense of belonging, inclusivity, and support among diverse individuals within the organization.


Conservation is the dedication towards preserving and protecting natural, cultural, or organizational assets. It involves the recognition and appreciation of these values, ethical behavior in their utilisation, and taking initiatives to sustain them for future generations. It reflects an individual's sense of responsibility as part of a larger ecosystem.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to show commitment to conserving organizational resources wisely. You are beginning to appreciate the impact responsible conservation can have on business value.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a commitment to conservation by actively promoting and practicing environmental sustainability values within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to preserving and protecting cherished values, demonstrating exceptional dedication to upholding ethical standards and promoting a culture of respect, honesty, and integrity.


Courage is the value that empowers individuals to confront fear, uncertainty and intimidation. Within an organizational context, it involves standing up for one's principles, voicing one's ideas despite potential criticism, and taking calculated risks to foster innovation and growth, all while promoting a culture of integrity and respect.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to display bravery in expressing your values. You're starting to confront challenges and uncertainty, while showing some willingness to take difficult stands.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to act with courage in alignment with your values, even when faced with challenges or adversity, demonstrating integrity and ethical decision-making.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in upholding values, even when faced with adversity or opposition. You fearlessly advocate for what is right, inspiring others to do the same.


Decency is the demonstration of moral virtue and ethical behavior within an organization. It involves treating colleagues and stakeholders with respect, fairness, and honesty, and consistently acting in accordance with the company's core values, code of conduct, and ethical standards.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are aware of the significance of decency and respect within professional interactions. You comprehend the key role of decency in ethical decision-making and building trust.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate decency by treating others with respect, empathy, and integrity, aligning your actions with ethical principles and values within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to upholding ethical values, demonstrating integrity and respect in all interactions, and consistently advocating for fairness, equality, and social responsibility.


Decorum is the professional capacity to exhibit behaviors and actions in line with an organization's core values. It symbolizes one's commitment to demonstrating respect, humility, and punctuality, presenting a polished image that upholds the dignity and standards of the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of decorum in aligning your professional behaviors and actions with the organization's core values and ethical standards.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate decorum by upholding ethical standards, respecting diversity, and promoting a positive organizational culture through your actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are embodying the highest level of decorum within the organization. You consistently demonstrate values such as respect, integrity, and professionalism in all interactions and decisions.


Devotion is a deeply ingrained commitment to uphold the core values of an organization. It embodies absolute sincerity and unwavering allegiance to these values, fostering a culture of trust, integrity, and sustained performance while inspiring others to act similarly.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to demonstrate commitment to organizational values. You show initial understanding of these principles and deliberate attempts to align your actions and decisions accordingly.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are deeply committed to upholding and promoting the core values of the organization. Your devotion to these values is evident in your actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to upholding ethical principles, demonstrating unwavering dedication to the core values of the organization, even in challenging situations.


Diversity is valuing and respecting the variety of unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds each individual brings to the organization. It fosters an inclusive environment that appreciates differences in race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and experiences.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives, actively seeking to learn more about differing values within the organization and inclusive practices.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to embrace and appreciate the diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and values of others within the organization, fostering an inclusive and respectful work environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to embrace and celebrate the diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences of others, promoting a culture of inclusion, respect, and understanding within the organization.


Ease is the ability to uphold and embody the organization's values with simplicity and understanding, effortlessly integrating them into our routines, decisions, and interactions. It reflects the innate alignment between personal beliefs and the shared values of the company.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to articulate organizational values with ease. You show initial understanding and application of values in workplace scenarios, though consistency can be improved.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to embody and promote core values consistently, fostering a culture of trust and respect within the organization. You prioritize ethical decision-making and demonstrate integrity in all your actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effortlessly embody the organization's values in every aspect of your work, inspiring others to do the same through your actions and leadership.


Economy is the capability to efficiently allocate resources and manage financial affairs, reflecting a value of fiscal responsibility and sustainability. This requires discernment, foresight, and practical decision-making, demonstrating an ethical commitment to balance organizational needs with effective stewardship of resources.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to understand and apply economic principles in decision-making, valuing resources and understanding their impact on economic sustainability and organizational growth.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively balance economic considerations with ethical values, making decisions that prioritize both financial sustainability and societal impact within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently make decisions that prioritize financial responsibility, ethical stewardship, and long-term sustainability in alignment with the organization's core values.


Education is the continuous pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding, directly promoting and embodying the central values of an organization. It involves fostering ethics, transparency, integrity, and respect, contributing to the development of a morally accountable and values-led professional environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to understand and embody the organization's values within your educational role, demonstrating basic ability to apply these values in an educational setting.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate and uphold ethical standards, respect for diverse perspectives, and a commitment to lifelong learning and personal growth within the education domain.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate a genuine commitment to continuous learning and personal growth, inspiring others to prioritize education and self-improvement in alignment with organizational values.


Effectiveness is the aptitude to realise organizational values by efficiently executing tasks, making decisive choices, and achieving objectives. It embodies demonstrating and promoting aligned values in everyday work, driving towards sustainable results, and enhancing the overall value-based performance.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and implement organizational values to enhance your effectiveness. Accuracy and efficiency vary, requiring guidance to fully align actions with values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate values of effectiveness by efficiently achieving desired outcomes, making informed decisions, and adapting to changing circumstances while upholding organizational values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently demonstrating values-based effectiveness by effortlessly aligning your actions and decisions with the core values of the organization, inspiring others to do the same.


Efficacy is the value-based capacity to produce desired results or outcomes within an organization. This capability involves having the confidence and proficiency to perform tasks efficiently, while aligning with an organization's core values, thereby fostering trust and boosting productivity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to develop a strong understanding of your confidence and self-belief in decision-making. This is vital to commit to and uphold our organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate high levels of efficacy in aligning your actions with the organization's values, inspiring others to do the same through your behavior.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are a master at embodying and promoting values through your actions and decisions, consistently demonstrating exceptional efficacy in upholding ethical standards and integrity within the organization.


Empowerment is the practice of fostering an inclusive environment where individuals are trusted, respected, and valued. It involves promoting self-expression, facilitating personal growth, and encouraging contribution to organizational values and goals. This capability requires recognizing individual strengths and leveraging them to uphold shared values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of empowerment in promoting team values. You're learning to delegate tasks and trust others, fostering an open and inclusive environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to empower others by fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and support within the organization, promoting values of empowerment and collaboration.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a champion of empowerment within the organization, consistently promoting a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and respect for all individuals, values, and perspectives.


Endurance is the ability to steadfastly uphold and adhere to an organization's values, despite challenges or lengthy periods of adversity. It encapsulates the resiliency needed to persistently embody these values, promoting integrity and stability within an unstable environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are developing the ability to persist, showing tenacity in upholding organizational values even under stress and during challenging circumstances.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate resilience and perseverance in upholding your values, even in challenging situations, serving as a role model for others in the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in your commitment to upholding the core values of the organization, even in the face of challenges, setbacks, or adversity.


Energy is the ability to invigorate environments and motivate team members through positivity, passion and resilience. In a values-driven context, it signifies the drive to consistently reflect organizational principles and manifest enthusiasm and stamina while aligning to the organization's mission and goals.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of energy in aligning your behaviors with the organization's values, and consistently demonstrating enthusiasm and positivity in your role.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate enthusiastic and positive energy in alignment with the organization's values, inspiring others to do the same through your actions and words.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently uphold the core values of the organization with unwavering energy, passion, and commitment, inspiring others to do the same.


Enjoyment is the intrinsic satisfaction derived from aligning personal values with an organization's culture and values, resulting in a fulfilled, joyful work experience. It impacts productivity, morale, and overall engagement, indicating a personal and organizational alignment in shared values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand the importance of aligning your work with the values of the organization. You're beginning to enjoy your role and its significance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to align your personal values with the organization's values, finding enjoyment in contributing to a positive and meaningful work environment through your actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to living out your core values, finding joy and fulfillment in aligning your actions with what truly matters to you.


Equality is acknowledging and respecting the intrinsic value of all individuals irrespective of their background, beliefs, or characteristics. It entails promoting an inclusive environment where everyone is treated fairly, has equal opportunities to develop, and their contributions are valued, promoting organizational growth and cohesion.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and implement the values of equality within your team and workspace, actively respecting and appreciating diverse perspectives and experiences.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively promoting equality within the organization by championing diversity, advocating for fairness, and ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of background or identity.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to fostering equality in all aspects of your work, advocating for inclusivity, diversity, and fairness in all interactions and decisions.


Exuberance is the ability to exhibit enthusiastic energy and optimism in line with company values. It entails demonstrating positivity, vivacity, and keen interest in organizational activities, radiating a positive vibe that engenders a productive and supportive working environment, while wholeheartedly embracing, promoting, and exhibiting the company's values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are familiar with the concept of exuberance, bringing energy and enthusiasm to work but may still require guidance to consistently portray it in alignment with company values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate exuberance in upholding and promoting the core values of the organization, inspiring others to do the same through your actions and attitude.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate exuberance in upholding and promoting the core values of the organization, inspiring others through your enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to integrity and respect.


Faith is a deeply held belief in and commitment to the core values and principles of an organization. It encompasses the unswerving confidence in the overarching ethos, fostering a sense of trust, loyalty, and dedication to the collective vision, mission, and goals of the company.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing sensitivity to personal values and recognizing their influence on actions and decisions. You're starting to affirm faith in shared organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate a deep commitment to your values, staying true to your beliefs even when faced with challenges or opposition.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to your values, demonstrating unwavering faith in them even in the face of challenges or uncertainties. You consistently uphold your principles with conviction.


Faithfulness is the unwavering commitment to act in line with an organization's core values, consistently displaying integrity, honesty, and loyalty. It embodies the devotion to maintaining value-based decisions and actions, nurturing trust and enhancing the moral fabric of the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and demonstrate faithfulness. You honor commitments, show consistency in your actions, and are starting to develop a track record of reliability.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating loyalty, trustworthiness, and commitment to ethical principles. You uphold values such as honesty and integrity in your actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in your commitment to upholding the organization's values, consistently demonstrating loyalty, trustworthiness, and reliability in all actions and decisions.


Fidelity is the adherence to core values, exhibiting authentic behavior in line with the organization's ethics. It involves demonstrating a steadfast commitment to principles, being reliable, consistent and maintaining trust through honest communication, actions and decisions that reflect the shared organizational values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand and display consistency between your actions and the organization's values. Your commitment to truthfulness and trustworthiness is beginning to develop.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently align your actions with the organization's values, demonstrating a high level of commitment, loyalty, and adherence to ethical principles in all interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to upholding your values with unwavering consistency, integrity, and loyalty, even in the face of difficult challenges and temptations.


Focus is the ability to maintain steadfast and undivided attention on organizational values, aligning personal actions and decisions to these principles consistently, despite distractions or obstacles, thereby driving ethical conduct and fostering a culture of integrity and transparency.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing your focus on the organization's core values. You understand their importance, regularly discuss them and are beginning to consistently incorporate them into your work.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to maintain a strong focus on upholding and embodying the core values of the organization, consistently aligning your actions with its principles and beliefs.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently prioritize and align your actions with the core values of the organization, demonstrating unwavering commitment to ethical principles and moral integrity.


Fortitude is the demonstrated personal strength and integrity in upholding and advocating for organizational values, in spite of adversity or opposition. It highlights unwavering commitment to ethical and moral principles, and resilience when faced with challenges to these fundamental beliefs.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to withstand adversity, consistently demonstrating resilience and a nascent commitment to the organization’s values, even when confronted with challenges or setbacks.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate strength and resilience in upholding values, even in challenging situations. You are able to maintain integrity and ethics with unwavering determination.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in your commitment to upholding ethical values even in the face of adversity. Your fortitude in staying true to your principles is unparalleled.


Freedom is the ability to act or think independently, supporting diversity of thought and encouraging innovative ideas. It reflects openness and respect, denoting a value essential in propelling creativity, innovation, and the ethical growth of an organization. This value fosters an environment where individuals can express themselves without fear.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to acknowledge the importance of freedom, demonstrating respect for individual and collective freedoms, whilst navigating and upholding organizational values and principles.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to embrace and uphold the value of freedom within the organization, respecting the rights and autonomy of others while advocating for a culture of individual empowerment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to embody and promote values of freedom with unwavering dedication, inspiring others to embrace and uphold these principles in all aspects of their lives.


Friendliness is the consistent demonstration of amiable interactions, goodwill, and cooperation. It involves upholding core values such as respect, kindness, and empathy, thereby promoting a harmonious working environment. This quality is vital in nurturing fruitful relationships and fostering a positive, value-driven organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate the value of friendliness. You're polite and approachable, but need continued learning and experience to consistently demonstrate this value effectively.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a warm and welcoming attitude towards others, fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are embodying a deep sense of kindness, compassion, and warmth towards others, creating a culture of inclusivity, support, and positivity within the organization.


Frugality is the practiced value of prudent resource management, embodying thoughtful expenditure, wise investment, and avoidance of waste. This values capability encourages sustainable business practices, promoting efficient use of monetary, material, and human resources, fostering accountability, and nurturing a culture of long-term financial stability within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to exhibit frugality, showing initial understanding of balancing cost savings with value maximisation within your organizational role.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate frugality by making wise decisions on resource allocation, avoiding wasteful spending, and promoting a culture of efficiency and sustainability within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a role model for frugality, demonstrating a deep commitment to using resources wisely and efficiently while making ethical and sustainable decisions aligned with organizational values.


Fulfillment is the achievement of aligning and executing personal and company values, manifesting in a deep satisfaction and meaningfulness at work. It represents the continuous pursuit of ethical actions and decisions that resonate with one's own beliefs, promoting genuine happiness and creating a productive work environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and appreciate the importance of organizational values. You strive to align your actions with these values to achieve a sense of fulfillment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently align your actions and decisions with your personal values, contributing to a sense of fulfillment and purpose in your work.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are fully committed to living your values, consistently aligning your actions with your core beliefs and principles, inspiring others to do the same through your example.


Fun is the capability to cultivate and endorse a work environment that encourages enjoyment, positivity and light-heartedness. It's about maintaining high morale, encouraging camaraderie, and positively contributing to organizational culture in line with company values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand and demonstrate the value of fun in maintaining team morale. You're beginning to incorporate fun into everyday tasks and interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are adept at incorporating fun into your work while still staying respectful of the organization's values and goals. You know how to balance enjoyment with professionalism.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a role model for others in embodying the organization's values of fun. You consistently demonstrate joy, creativity, and positivity in all aspects of your work.


Graciousness is the act of treating others with kindness, respect, and understanding, demonstrating empathetic consideration. As a value, it helps build an environment of trust and positivity, fostering healthy relationships, mutual respect, and effective collaboration within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate graciousness by showing respect and kindness to colleagues, and understanding the importance of positive relationships in the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to embody graciousness in your interactions with others, showing respect, kindness, and empathy. You consistently prioritize the values of respect and consideration in your actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are exemplifying unparalleled Graciousness in all interactions, embodying values of empathy, respect, and humility in every aspect of your professional relationships within the organization.


Growth is the continuous commitment to personal and professional development, embodying an openness to learn, improve and adapt. It's the capacity to embrace change, foster innovation, and the willingness to take measured risks in alignment with the organization's values and strategic vision.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand the importance of continuous learning for personal and organizational growth, showing awareness and appreciation of company values within your activities.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth, while also encouraging and supporting the growth of others within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate a deep commitment to personal and professional growth, embodying the values of continuous learning, adaptability, and innovation.


Happiness is the embodiment of joy and contentment in one's role, reflecting a positive alignment with organizational values. It involves deriving satisfaction from work-related accomplishments, fostering a positive environment, and promoting the values of trust, respect, and collective success within the workforce.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand that personal fulfillment and true happiness come from embodying the organization's core values and using them to guide your actions and interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently prioritize and promote happiness within the organization by fostering a positive and inclusive work culture that values employee well-being and satisfaction.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to promoting happiness within the organization by embodying values such as empathy, compassion, and positivity in all interactions and decisions.


Honor is the innate capability to adhere to values of truth, integrity, and respect. It represents an employee's ethical awareness, consistency in moral decision-making, and the commitment to uphold the established principles and standards within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and appreciate the concept of honor. You respect others, comply with organizational values, and show readiness to uphold ethical standards.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate honor by upholding ethical standards, showing respect for others, and standing up for what is right, even in difficult situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a role model for others in upholding values with unwavering integrity, consistently demonstrating honor in all actions and decisions within the organization.


Hope is the inspiring certainty of belief in an organization's core values, fostering a positive outlook and the determination to overcome challenges. It entails envisioning a brighter future, fueled by a steadfast commitment to uphold these shared principles, thereby promoting resilience and motivation amid uncertainty.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to regularly express hope, demonstrating an initial understanding of its importance within our organizational values and able to apply it in simple contexts.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate hope by inspiring others with a positive outlook and fostering optimism in challenging situations while staying true to your core values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to inspire and instill hope in others, embodying values of optimism, resilience, and positivity even in the face of adversity.


Hospitality is the value-based capacity to foster an inclusive, welcoming environment where all members, regardless of background, feel valued, respected, and catered for, contributing to a positive, supportive organizational culture. It emphasizes kindness, openness, understanding, and a commitment to service and care.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are cultivating the ability to demonstrate and uphold the organization's values in all hospitality-related interactions. This includes service, hospitality, courtesy, and a considerate attitude.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate and prioritize values such as respect, empathy, and inclusivity in all your interactions within the hospitality industry.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are embodying the values of hospitality by consistently demonstrating empathy, respect, and genuine care towards others, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.


Idealism is the capacity to envision and pursue higher ethical standards within an organization. It involves nurturing and promoting values such as integrity, honesty, and fairness. Idealism inspires individuals to constantly improve, leading to the enhancement of organizational values and fostering a more ethical workplace culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to develop an understanding and appreciation for idealistic values, demonstrating basic awareness of ethical principles and organizational values in your daily work and interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently align your actions and decisions with your core values, demonstrating a strong commitment to ethical principles and social responsibility in all aspects of your work.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to upholding ethical values, consistently incorporating them into decision-making processes, and inspiring others to act with integrity and compassion in all circumstances.


Independence is the ability to uphold personal and professional ethics, make autonomous decisions, and take responsibility for one's actions. This value promotes self-reliance, and encourages critical thinking and individual judgement within an organizational setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate autonomy by making choices aligning with organizational values. Reliance on guidance exists, but you're showing initiative in value-based decision making.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to make decisions autonomously, taking ownership of your values and beliefs. You are capable of acting independently while still respecting the values of the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to independently uphold and promote the core values of the organization, making ethical decisions and demonstrating integrity even in the face of challenges.


Individuality is the ability to express one's unique values, views and personality within a professional context. It involves bringing original insights, respecting diversity, integrating personal values with organizational goals, and influencing the workplace culture by introducing new perspectives. This capability fosters innovation and emphasises authenticity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to understand and respect the unique perspectives and contributions of others. You start recognizing the value of differing individual traits within your team.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to express your unique values and beliefs while respecting the individuality of others. You demonstrate authenticity and integrity in all your interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to fully embrace and celebrate your unique qualities, values, and beliefs, while respecting and appreciating the diversity of others within the organization.


Industry is the capability to possess, apply, and embody the organizational values into one's work, in the context of their specific industry. This involves understanding industry trends, standards, and ethics to make value-driven decisions and actions, fostering an ethical and goal aligned work environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to recognize and understand the values that drive the industry. You demonstrate some ability to incorporate these values into your early professional practice.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate alignment with the values of the organization within the context of your industry, influencing decisions and behaviors accordingly.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to upholding ethical standards and promoting values that align with the organization's mission, fostering a culture of integrity and respect.


Innocence is the inherent ability to approach situations with a pure, unbiased mind, devoid of preconceptions. It fosters trust, catalyses transparency, promotes ethical behavior, and fosters a values-led culture within an organization. Innocence provides a fresh perspective and invokes original, untainted thoughts and ideas.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and incorporate the concept of innocence into your decision-making process, displaying clear, unbiased judgement in alignment with organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to recognize the importance of honesty, integrity, and purity in your actions and decision-making, guiding you to uphold moral values consistently.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to authentically embody innocence in your values, staying true to your principles even in challenging situations, inspiring others through your genuine and pure intentions.


Inspiration is the ability to stimulate, motivate and influence others positively, rooted in the organization's core values. It means fostering an environment where creativity and innovation are encouraged and aligned with societal, ethical, and corporate values, driving engagement and positive behavioral changes.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand and express personal values that inspire others. You show initial capacity to influence and elevate team’s morale with positivity.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to inspire others through your values, leading by example and demonstrating a strong commitment to integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all your actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to inspire others to uphold and embody the core values of the organization through your actions, words, and exemplary behavior.


Intellect is the capacity to comprehend complex concepts and matters pertaining to organizational values. It incorporates an individual's ability to think critically, solve problems, make decisions, and understand varying perspectives, ultimately contributing to making informed, ethical, and value-driven decisions within a professional context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to demonstrate intellectual curiosity and analytical thinking. You understand the importance of aligning personal and corporate values in decision-making processes.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate intellectual curiosity and critical thinking, seeking to understand diverse perspectives and values in order to make informed and ethical decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate exceptional intellectual capacity in aligning your values with your decision-making processes, leading to ethical and principled actions in all aspects.


Intelligence is the ability to comprehend, understand and apply information, demonstrating discernment in making informed decisions that align with organizational values. It involves the appropriate use of knowledge in navigating complex situations and conceptualizing solutions that reflect and uphold the entity's principles and standards.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to apply your intelligence to deepen the understanding of organization values, demonstrating openness to learning, and acknowledging its role in decision-making processes.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate intelligence by making ethical decisions based on core values, effectively applying critical thinking skills to complex situations within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate exceptional intelligence by consistently aligning your actions with the core values of the organization, even in challenging and ambiguous situations.


Joy is the profound ability to derive pleasure, contentment, and gratification from one's contributions to the organization, actively fostering positivity and satisfaction within oneself and others. This value fosters a healthy, uplifting work environment conducive to personal growth and collective success.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are learning to integrate joy into your workplace values. You exhibit occasional positivity, beginning to inspire others and finding satisfaction and fulfillment in your role.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently embody and promote joy in the workplace, fostering positivity and motivation among colleagues through your values-driven actions and interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to embody joy as a core value, consistently spreading positivity, enthusiasm, and happiness throughout your work environment, inspiring and uplifting those around you.


Justice is the commitment to fairness, impartiality, and equity within an organization. It involves making decisions that honor legal and ethical boundaries, promote an inclusive and respectful environment, and ensure equal opportunities and treatment for all employees.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to grasp the importance of fairness and ethical behavior within your role. You strive to uphold justice and rightness in every action you are involved in.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate a strong commitment to fairness, equality, and ethical behavior. You consistently uphold principles of justice in decision-making and actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently integrate principles of fairness, equality, and ethics into decision-making processes, demonstrating a deep commitment to upholding values of justice within the organization.


Knowledge is the comprehensive understanding and awareness of the organization's values, principles, and ethical standards. It involves appreciating the importance of these values, practicing them in daily operations, and continuously seeking to deepen one's understanding to sustain a value-driven culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are just starting to gather and process Values-related information. You understand basic concepts and can communicate simple Values-based knowledge to others.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate a deep understanding and application of the organization's core values in your daily work, guiding your decisions and actions consistently.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply knowledgeable about core values, ethics, and principles. You consistently apply this knowledge to make principled decisions and act as a role model for others.


Lawfulness is the demonstrated commitment to adhere to rules, laws, and regulations, closely aligned with organizational values. It involves acting ethically, maintaining integrity, and prioritising what is legally correct to uphold organizational reputation and ensure a respectful, legitimate business environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and adhere to business laws. You recognize the importance of lawfulness and seek guidance to ensure your actions align with legal regulations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate respect for laws, regulations, and ethical standards in all your actions, ensuring that you uphold the core values of integrity and honesty.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you demonstrate unwavering commitment to upholding ethical principles, making decisions based on legal standards, and advocating for fairness and justice in all aspects of organizational values.


Learning is the proactive ability to acquire, process, and apply new knowledge and principles that align with the organization's core values, thereby fostering continuous improvement and contributing to a culture marked by wisdom, integrity, and ethical conduct.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to align your learning processes with the organization's core values. You're gaining an understanding of how to integrate values into your personal learning strategies.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to continuously seek out new knowledge and insights that align with your values, allowing you to grow and adapt in a meaningful way.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to continuous learning and self-improvement, embodying the organization's values in all aspects of your personal and professional growth.


Love is an emotional competency, essential in fostering a values-driven organization. It encapsulates empathy, understanding, care, and compassion for fellow employees. It’s about building strong and genuine relationships, creating a harmonious workplace where everyone feels valued and respected, contributing to overall corporate sustainability.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of love in building trust and cohesion. You demonstrate an initial ability to act compassionately and empathetically in a team context.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate love for others by consistently acting with empathy, compassion, and kindness, fostering positive relationships and creating a supportive and inclusive environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to living out your core values, showing unwavering love and compassion towards others, and consistently aligning your actions with your ethical beliefs.


Mastery is the ability to fluently apply deeply ingrained values in making decisions, prioritising, and conducting every aspect of work. It encompasses the profound understanding and effective use of values to enable personal, professional, and organizational growth, whilst maintaining integrity and respecting diversity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand and apply the organization's values. You demonstrate this understanding inconsistently, showing genuine intent, but often needing guidance and support.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate strong alignment with organizational values, embodying them in your daily actions and decisions. You serve as a role model for others.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a master of embodying the organization's values in all aspects of your work. Your actions consistently demonstrate a deep understanding and commitment to upholding these values.


Maturity is the ability to internalise and consistently demonstrate organizational values through responsible decision-making, high emotional intelligence, and ethical actions. It involves understanding the significance of these values in workplace interactions, fostering trust, and contributing to a cohesive and effective organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are taking initial steps towards understanding and aligning with the organization's core values, beginning to demonstrate a mature and principled approach to work situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate maturity in values by consistently aligning your actions with ethical principles, showing respect for diverse perspectives, and promoting a culture of integrity.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are embodying and promoting the core values of the organization consistently, inspiring others to follow suit and fostering a culture of integrity, respect, and empathy.


Moderation is the ability to balance and regulate personal and professional values. It involves neither excessive nor insufficient adherence to these values, fostering an impartial, reasonable, and collaborative environment. This necessitates understanding, practising restraint, tolerance, and finding equitable solutions that enhance organizational cohesion.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to balance different values, attempting to quell disagreements, yet may still require guidance to effectively moderate complex values-based disputes within the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate moderation in your values, consistently balancing your personal beliefs with the needs of the organization and those around you.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are the epitome of balance and fairness, consistently demonstrating wise judgment and ethical decision-making in alignment with the organization's core values.


Nobility is the embodiment of high moral qualities such as integrity, honour, and respect, within one's professional conduct. It implies selflessness, promoting welfare of others and the organization, conducting oneself with dignity and demonstrating a consistent commitment to ethical principles.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate nobility, showing a growing commitment to honesty, honour and high moral principles within your organization's established values framework.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently uphold high ethical standards and demonstrate integrity, honesty, and respect in all your interactions, embodying the value of nobility within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are embodying the value of nobility by consistently demonstrating integrity, honor, and ethical behavior in all your actions, inspiring others to uphold these principles as well.


Nonviolence is the fundamental value of abstaining from any form of physical or mental harm towards others. It embodies a profound respect for humanity, advocating peaceful resolution of conflicts, and upholds the dignity and rights of individuals within the organizational context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of nonviolence in the workplace. You encourage respectful dialogue and discourage hostile or aggressive behavior in professional interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate a deep understanding and commitment to promoting nonviolence in all aspects of your work, fostering a culture of peace and respect.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to embody a deep commitment to nonviolence in all aspects of your life, inspiring others to embrace peace, compassion, and understanding in the face of conflict.


Obedience is the conscious adherence and compliance to the ethical, moral, and professional values upheld by an organization. It includes following guidelines, respecting hierarchical structures, and aligning with the overall mission and vision of the company, reinforcing transparency, trust, and cooperation among employees.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and follow the values set by the organization. You can identify key policies and procedures, taking initial steps to comply diligently.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate a strong commitment to following ethical guidelines and organizational policies, consistently prioritizing values such as integrity, honesty, and respect.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwaveringly committed to upholding ethical standards and aligning your actions with the core values of the organization, even in challenging situations.


Openness is the ability to express oneself transparently and encourage others to share perspectives, fostering an environment of trust. It involves consistent communication, active listening and receptiveness to new ideas, fostering a diversity of viewpoints and nurturing an ethical culture within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are eager to explore new concepts and open to diverse perspectives. You understand the necessity of being receptive to constructive feedback, and can adapt accordingly.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to openly communicate your values, beliefs, and opinions with others while also being receptive to different perspectives and willing to consider alternative viewpoints.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to embodying and promoting values of openness within the organization. You consistently demonstrate transparency, honesty, and inclusivity in your interactions and decision-making processes.


Order is the ability to prioritize and arrange values ethically and logically, facilitating harmony within a team or organization. It involves creating a pragmatic environment that encourages productivity, while also balancing personal and collective values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate a commitment to upholding organizational values. You show understanding of order importance in maintaining workplace integrity, ethics, and the pursuit of excellence.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to prioritize values such as integrity, honesty, and respect to maintain order and harmony within the organization. You demonstrate consistency and fairness in your decision-making.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to upholding ethical and moral principles, even in the most challenging and complex situations.


Peace is the capacity to promote and maintain a state of tranquillity and harmony within an organization, achieved by resolving conflicts, nurturing understanding, and expressing respect for individual values. It encourages a stress-free environment built on respect, communication and shared values among all stakeholders.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to recognize the importance of peace, striving to maintain calm and serenity in both your professional interactions and personal behavior.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to maintain peace within yourself and with others by upholding values of respect, empathy, and understanding in all interactions and relationships.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to promoting peace within your organization, consistently demonstrating values of empathy, compassion, and conflict resolution skills in all interactions and decision-making processes.


Perfection is the adherence to the highest standards of correctness, precision, and integrity in conduct. It embodies the organization's values by consistently striving for flawless execution, enhancing reputation, and driving continuous improvement, thus contributing to a culture of excellence and ethical behavior.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to recognise the importance of perfection in day-to-day tasks and align yourself with the organizational values, aiming to minimise errors in your work.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently strive for excellence in upholding core values, demonstrating a commitment to integrity, respect, and accountability in all aspects of your work.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to living out your values with unwavering consistency, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in everything you do.


Piety is the capacity to uphold deep and sincere commitment towards revered values, guided by spiritual or moral principles within the organization. This capability involves respecting traditional practices, fostering ethical conduct, and demonstrating humility and devotion in actions aligned with organizational values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate a humble reverence. You respect your organization's policies and are developing an understanding of honouring overarching principles and ethical standards.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to embody piety in your actions by consistently demonstrating deep respect, reverence, and devotion to your values and beliefs in all aspects of your work.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to upholding and embodying values such as integrity, respect, and honesty in all aspects of your life. Your piety is unwavering and inspiring.


Pleasure is the ability to derive joy and satisfaction from aligning one's actions with the company's core values, deriving joy from the process of upholding these standards. This includes finding happiness in personal growth, team successes, and contributing to a positive organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to appreciate and understand the importance of pleasure and positivity in nurturing a work environment conducive to collective success and individual growth.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to prioritize values that bring you joy and satisfaction, while balancing the needs and desires of others in order to create harmonious relationships and environments.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to deeply understand and appreciate the value of pleasure in creating meaningful experiences and relationships, while always prioritizing ethical and moral considerations.


Poise is the demonstrated ability to maintain composure, confidence and integrity in various situations, aligning one's actions with the organization's values. It involves exhibiting rational decision-making, respectful interactions, and emotional stability while adhering firmly to ethical standards.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to display poise by integrating core values into your actions and behavior. You demonstrate respect for differing viewpoints and remain calm under pressure.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate poise by consistently upholding your values in challenging situations, showing grace, confidence, and integrity in your actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to exhibit unwavering poise in challenging situations, remaining true to your values and principles while inspiring others to do the same.


Practicality is the ability to apply values-based decision making in real-world situations. It involves using wisdom and discernment to choose the most efficient and ethical solution. This capability necessitates a strong understanding of the organization's values, their purpose, and how they impact everyday scenarios.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show practical application of the organization's values. You demonstrate this through thoughtful decisions, showing newfound adaptability and understanding typical procedures.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively balance ethical values with practical considerations, making informed decisions that align with the organization's values and goals.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate practicality by making decisions and taking actions that align with the organization's values, effectively balancing ethics, logic, and efficiency.


Preparedness is the capacity to anticipate, strategize and respond effectively to potential situations, embodying core values in decision-making processes. It signifies readiness to act according to these principles under unforeseen circumstances, demonstrating adaptability and strong value alignment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to recognize the importance of preparedness. You show an initial understanding of planning, respect organizational values, and you’re open to learning more.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a strong sense of preparedness by proactively anticipating challenges and taking necessary actions aligned with organizational values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a role model for demonstrating preparedness in upholding and promoting the core values of the organization. You consistently anticipate challenges and proactively address them with integrity.


Presence is the ability to embody and impart the organization's values throughout daily operations. It involves influencing others through personal conduct that manifest key principles, effectively promoting a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are aware of your personal values and how they affect your actions. You exercise basic self-awareness and attempt to align your behavior with organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently embodying the organization's values in your actions and interactions, serving as a role model for others to follow in living out these principles.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a shining example of living out the organization's values in all aspects of your professional and personal life, embodying them effortlessly and authentically.


Pride is an individual's deep sense of attachment and alignment to an organization's core values, reflecting through their conduct and contributions. It is an internal driving force that inspires commitment towards collective objectives and engenders a positive organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrably display pride in your work and show commitment to organizational values. You understand and start to embody the importance of bringing value.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to embody and promote the organization's values with pride. You consistently demonstrate integrity, commitment, and respect for others in all actions and decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to embody and promote the core values of the organization with unwavering pride, inspiring others to uphold the same standards of excellence and integrity.


Privacy is respecting and protecting individuals' personal and confidential information, adhering to established guidelines and ethical standards. It emphasizes integrity, accountability, and a shared commitment to safeguarding individual liberties within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand privacy principles and are aware of the importance of confidentiality and trust in maintaining privacy within the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate a strong commitment to upholding privacy values within the organization. You consistently prioritize confidentiality and respect the privacy rights of others.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are the guardian of confidentiality and trust, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to upholding ethical standards and protecting the privacy of individuals and sensitive information within the organization.


Purity is the unwavering adherence to ethical principles and fundamental values. It implies maintaining uncorrupted integrity and sincerity in all forms of conduct, thus encouraging active commitment to a virtuous, transparent, and accountable organization culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to consistently uphold the core values within your behavior, demonstrating a foundational understanding of the importance of maintaining purity in your work practices.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior, integrity, and honesty in all aspects of your work, embodying the core values of the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to exemplify unparalleled purity in your values, consistently embodying honesty and integrity in all aspects of your actions and decisions within the organization.


Purpose is the grounding force which aligns an individual's actions and decisions with the organizational values and mission, fostering a collective drive towards shared goals. It transforms values into actionable objectives, thereby shaping the organizational culture and influencing its strategic direction.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to align your actions with company values. You demonstrate an initial understanding of the organizational purpose and show interest in its importance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently align your actions and decisions with the core values of the organization, demonstrating a clear sense of purpose and commitment to upholding them.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to aligning your actions with your core values, demonstrating unwavering integrity, authenticity, and a strong sense of purpose in everything you do.


Realism is a value-oriented aptitude that emphasizes recognizing and addressing the true and practical nature of situations. It involves making data-based decisions, accepting realities, and pragmatically approaching problem-solving to create effective strategies, fostering transparency, and trust within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate an understanding of organizational values, applying realistic outlooks and expectations within your role. This includes acknowledging realistic boundaries and limitations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to assess situations objectively, consider various perspectives, and make decisions aligned with your values, demonstrating a strong sense of realism in your actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate an unwavering commitment to ethical behavior and integrity, even in the face of challenges or temptations.


Reason is the ability to process and apply ethical logic and principles in evaluating decisions. This capability requires an understanding of an organization's values to ensure actions and choices align with the company's ethical standards and promote organizational integrity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and apply reasoning to uphold and demonstrate key values. You're learning to question ethically and make moral value-based decisions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to make decisions based on ethical principles, demonstrating a strong understanding of values and their impact on your actions and choices within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently make decisions and take actions that align with your deeply held values, even in challenging or high-pressure situations.


Relaxation is the ability to decompress, find mental equilibrium, and instill tranquility, promoting a balanced workplace culture. It reflects the value of mindfulness, emphasizing self-care and emotional well-being as essential components for effective team functioning, personal productivity, and overall organizational health.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of relaxation for personal well-being and productivity, actively seeking moments of calm to embody corporate values comprehensively.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to prioritize relaxation as a core value, recognizing the importance of self-care and work-life balance in fostering a positive and healthy organizational culture.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate a deep understanding and commitment to the value of relaxation, integrating it into your personal and professional life with ease and effectiveness.


Religiousness is the demonstrated capability to uphold and respect religious values and principles. It emphasizes commitment to one's faith, ethically blends with organizational values, and fosters a culture of mutual respect for diverse religious beliefs and practices within the workforce.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to explore and understand the importance of incorporating and respecting diverse religious values within organizational contexts and interpersonal relationships with respect.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate a strong commitment to your religious values in both your personal and professional life, serving as an example to others within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to deeply embody and consistently demonstrate strong moral and ethical values rooted in religious beliefs, serving as a role model for others in the organization.


Respectability is the adherence to ethical standards, maintaining honesty and fairness in all interactions. It implies recognising and valuing individuality and diversity, supporting the equal rights of others, and conducting oneself with integrity, honour, and dignity to uphold organizational values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to grasp the significance of respectability in professional settings. You demonstrate initial understanding of respectful behavior and are aware of its importance in maintaining positive workplace values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate respect towards others, show integrity in decision-making, and uphold ethical standards in all interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are a model of integrity, consistently demonstrating honesty, fairness, and ethical behavior. Your actions inspire trust and respect from those around you, embodying the organization's values.


Responsibility is the capacity to fully embrace and uphold ethical conduct and organizational values. It encompasses accountability for one's actions, the commitment to fulfill one's duties efficiently, and the devotion to making decisions that positively impact the organization and its stakeholders.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and uphold the organization's values. You demonstrate a commitment to tasks, show accountability for your actions and strive to improve performance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating strong sense of responsibility by upholding ethical values, taking ownership of tasks, and contributing positively to the organization's goals and mission.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating a deep commitment to ethical behavior, accountability, and taking ownership of your actions within the context of values-based decision making.


Righteousness is the unwavering commitment to uphold ethical standards, demonstrating honesty and fairness in all actions. It values the importance of maintaining personal integrity, fostering trust, and promoting justice in the workplace, contributing to a respectful, harmonious organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to consistently act with honesty and fairness. You're understanding the significance of incorporating ethical standards into everyday decision-making, promoting a values-driven culture.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently uphold ethical principles, act with integrity, and demonstrate a strong commitment to moral values in all aspects of your work and interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are a beacon of righteousness, embodying values of integrity, honesty, and fairness in all your actions and decisions, setting a standard of ethical excellence for others to follow.


Safety is the prioritisation and practice of actions that ensure wellbeing and eliminate harm. It encapsulates the value of respect for all stakeholders by fostering a secure environment and advocating for adherence to established safety protocols, thus embodying responsible conduct within an organizational setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing the initial understanding of safety practices, exhibiting personal accountability and beginning to align these actions with the organization's core values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to safety, actively promoting and adhering to organizational safety values, and taking proactive measures to ensure a safe work environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to creating a culture of safety, prioritizing the well-being of all individuals, and upholding ethical and moral standards in all aspects of your work.


Sanctity is the adherence to and reverence for ethical standards, principles, and organizational values. It urges employees to uphold the sacrosanct nature of these values, demonstrating integrity and commitment in all actions, fostering a culture of respect and trust within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to appreciate and comprehend the importance of respecting individual and organizational values, striving to recognize these in everyday decisions and actions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently uphold values of sanctity, showing respect for sacredness and purity in your actions and decisions within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are the embodiment of Sanctity within your values framework. You consistently uphold principles of purity and holiness, inspiring others with your unwavering commitment to righteousness.


Security is the awareness and commitment to safeguarding organizational values, assets, and integrity. It involves adopting a proactive approach in ensuring confidentiality, practising ethical conduct, minimizing risks, and upholding the trust placed by stakeholders. Its focus is on ensuring safety and stability in value systems.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to uphold the organizational values through security practices, demonstrating basic understanding and application of ethical, safe, and responsible behavior.'

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to prioritize security within the organization, ensuring that values such as integrity and confidentiality are upheld in all aspects of information protection and access control.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are a guardian of ethical integrity, embodying values of trust, confidentiality, and responsibility. You demonstrate exemplary judgment and discretion in safeguarding sensitive information and upholding ethical standards.


Self-actualization is the continuous process of realizing and manifesting one's inherent values, ethics and beliefs, leading to ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment. It pertains to understanding personal values deeply and aligning these with actions and decisions in a professional context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level in Self-actualization, you exhibit a growing understanding and application of your personal values. You start to identify how these values influence your decisions and behaviors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently align your actions and decisions with your core values, demonstrating a strong sense of self-awareness and commitment to self-improvement.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to align your actions with your deepest values and beliefs, consistently demonstrating self-actualization by living authentically and in alignment with your principles.


Self-confidence is the ability to trust in and affirm one’s skills, qualities, and judgments. It reflects a personal value of self-assuredness, driving individual actions and decisions within an organizational context, enabling one to act with integrity and uphold corporate values while encountering challenges and taking risks.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show belief in your abilities. You demonstrate openness to feedback and willingness to improve, aligning your actions to the organization's values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate self-confidence by staying true to your values, beliefs, and principles even in challenging situations, inspiring others to do the same.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate unwavering self-confidence in your values, influencing others with your strong moral compass and inspiring trust and respect within the organization.


Self-improvement is the continuous endeavor to embody and exemplify organizational values through individual growth and learning. It involves identifying personal areas needing development and taking proactive steps to align oneself further with the shared principles and ethics of the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and internalize the importance of self-improvement aligned to organizational values. You are open to feedback and actively seek learning opportunities to grow.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively seeking opportunities for personal growth, reflecting on your values and consistently aligning your actions with them to improve yourself and others around you.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply committed to continuously improving your values alignment with your actions, consistently striving for moral and ethical excellence in all aspects of your personal and professional life.


Self-reliance is the personal value of confidently using one's skills, judgment, and resources to execute tasks and make decisions independently. It's about valuing autonomy, nurturing resilience, and taking responsibility for actions, all while adhering to the ethical standards of the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of self-reliance and actively setting personal values. You're at the early stages of making independent decisions based on these values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate self-reliance by consistently making decisions based on your personal values and beliefs, while taking ownership of your actions and outcomes in alignment with organizational values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are fully self-reliant in upholding and embodying the organization's core values without hesitation, consistently demonstrating integrity, ethics, and respect in all actions and decisions.


Self-respect is the personal value that involves acknowledging one's own worth, maintaining personal dignity, and standing up for oneself when necessary. It involves embracing personal values, setting healthy boundaries, and cultivating behaviors that garner respect from oneself and others.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to recognize your personal worth, demonstrating initial awareness of your potential and importance within your role and the organization's values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate self-respect by consistently upholding your values and beliefs, while also respecting the values and beliefs of others in a professional setting.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently uphold your values and principles even in challenging situations, demonstrating a deep sense of self-respect and integrity in all your actions.


Service is the demonstration of core organizational values through actions that prioritise needs of others, uphold professional standards, and actively contribute to the success of the organization and its stakeholders. It indicates a dedication towards creating positive experiences for clients, colleagues, and the broader community.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to grasp the principles of service that align with the organizational values. You demonstrate basic understanding and execution in delivering services guided by these values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate values of service, actively seeking ways to support others and enhance their experience within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently embodying the organization's values in every interaction, ensuring that service is delivered with integrity, respect, and a genuine commitment to excellence.


Simplicity is the ability to convey values with clarity and directness, focusing on essential components and eliminating unnecessary complexity. It involves translating complicated concepts into easily understandable ideas, promoting transparency, and enhancing effective communication within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to appreciate the importance of simplicity in your approach. You strive to communicate clearly and seek straightforward solutions in line with organizational values.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to communicate and embody the core values of simplicity within your work, promoting clarity, efficiency, and straightforwardness in all your interactions and decision-making.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to embody simplicity by seamlessly integrating your values into all aspects of your work, inspiring others to follow your lead with genuine authenticity.


Skill is the demonstrated ability to align individual actions or behaviors with organizational values, consistently reinforcing these guiding principles within their job role. It implies understanding, embracing and applying these integrity principles effectively in day-to-day activities.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are just beginning to develop skills that reflect company values. You demonstrate preliminary understanding and are beginning to incorporate these values into your daily work practices.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to apply your skills in alignment with organizational values, consistently demonstrating ethical behavior, integrity, and respect for diverse perspectives in your work.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate the values of integrity, respect, and empathy in all aspects of your work, inspiring others to do the same.


Solidarity is the commitment to foster unity, cooperation and shared interests within an organization. It reflects a value system where employees support each other in achieving collective goals and help create a harmonious, respectful, and inclusive workplace culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to consistently demonstrate solidarity. You understand the importance of team unity, and you're learning how to promote shared values and goals across your organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate active support for the values of solidarity within the organization. You consistently prioritize teamwork, cooperation, and mutual respect in your actions and decision-making.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to promoting unity, cooperation, and mutual support within the organization. You actively champion diversity, inclusivity, and social justice, embodying the core values of solidarity.


Solitude is the capacity to reflect introspectively on one's own values, undisturbed by external distractions. It relates to gaining clarity about personal beliefs, principles, and moral standards, which help individuals align with, and contribute positively to, the values of their organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to value solitude, understand its importance for focus and self-reflection. You're cultivating the ability to find peace in solitude, respecting others' need for it too.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to appreciate the value of solitude in reflecting on your personal beliefs, values, and goals, leading to greater self-awareness and clarity in decision-making.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to value solitude as a means of self-reflection, inner growth, and connecting with your values on a deep and meaningful level within the organization.


Sophistication is the demonstrated ability to comprehend, uphold, and promote complex values within organizational settings, showcasing refined judgment, ethics, and adaptability while continuously enhancing personal and professional integrity standards in dynamic and nuanced situations.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to incorporate the organization's values into everyday choices. You're starting to comprehend the complexity and elegance of applying those values to diverse situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate a high level of sophistication in aligning your actions and decisions with the core values of the organization, consistently embodying and promoting these values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to navigate complex ethical dilemmas with grace, demonstrating an exceptional understanding of values and a sophisticated approach to decision-making that inspires others.


Spirituality is the ability to align personal values and actions with broader, transcendental beliefs, fostering an inner sense of purpose and integrity. It is about respecting diverse ideologies, facilitating spaces for compassionate understanding, and endorsing the exploration of one's values within the broader organizational ethos.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to explore personal values associated with spirituality, revealing an openness towards differing spiritual perspectives within the workplace environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to integrate spiritual values into your decision-making process, aligning your actions with your inner beliefs and ethical principles to create a harmonious workplace environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are deeply connected to your values and beliefs, allowing them to guide your ethical decision-making and shape your interactions with others in a meaningful way.


Structure is the capability to organize and classify company values into a clear and understandable system. This involves prioritizing values, creating clear relationships between them, and establishing frameworks that allow for the consistent application and understanding of those values across the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and apply organizational values within a basic structure. You are capable of identifying simple situations where values apply.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively uphold and promote the values of the organization by consistently demonstrating a strong sense of structure and adherence to ethical principles.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to create and implement clear, ethical, and consistent structures that align with the organization's core values and drive positive change within the workplace.


Success is the embodiment and subsequent achievement of core values within an organization, yielding prosperous outcomes. It encompasses conformance to ethical standards, creating value for stakeholders, while consistently driving personal and organizational growth based on these intrinsic principles.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and embody the values that contribute to success. You're starting to integrate these into your daily operations and interactions within the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently align your actions and decisions with the core values of the organization, contributing to its overall success and fostering a values-driven culture.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate and embody the core values of the organization, inspiring others through your actions and achieving success while staying true to these values.


Support is the capacity to unconditionally uphold personal and company values while assisting others. It entails providing encouragement, boosting morale, backing initiatives and fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect. This capability is crucial in promoting shared goals and maintaining ethical standards within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and align your actions with the organization's values. You show openness to learning about the impact of values and their importance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to actively support and promote the core values of the organization, consistently aligning your actions and decisions with the stated values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are exceptionally skilled in actively promoting and embodying the core values of the organization, serving as a role model for others to follow.


Truth is the adherence to facts and honesty in all dealings, fostering an environment of trust. Within values, it indicates transparency, integrity, and accountability, reinforcing ethical standards and promoting authentic and open communication in the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are just beginning to understand the importance of truth within your values. You exhibit honesty occasionally and are developing consistency in your transparency.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently honest, transparent, and respectful in all your interactions. You uphold the organization's values and promote a culture of trust and integrity.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in your commitment to honesty and integrity. You consistently demonstrate moral courage and ethical decision-making in all aspects of your work and interactions.


Valor is the ability to act with bravery, integrity, and ethical strength, despite adversity. It encompasses the courage to uphold and promote the organization's values, even when faced with challenging or compromising situations. It is exhibited through morally sound decision-making and firm commitment to ethical conduct.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to showcase courage in standing up for organizational values, starting to take personal responsibility for upholding these in your daily actions and interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate valor by upholding your values, even in the face of adversity, and inspiring others to do the same within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate exceptional courage and integrity in upholding your values, even in the face of adversity or difficult decisions within the organization.


Variety is the conscious acceptance and incorporation of different values, ideas, cultures, experiences, and backgrounds within an organization. It emphasizes the need for inclusivity and diversity, promoting a harmonious and productive work environment that respects and values individual uniqueness.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to uphold the company values in varied circumstances. You demonstrate an openness to diversity and adapt to differing ideas or situations when required.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to appreciate and respect the diversity of perspectives, beliefs, and backgrounds within the organization, valuing the richness that variety brings to the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to embrace and appreciate a diverse range of values and perspectives, demonstrating a deep understanding and respect for the variety within your organization.


Virtue is the ability to uphold and embody ethical principles and moral standards throughout decision-making processes. It's the capacity to foster a values-based culture, promoting integrity, honesty, and respect, ultimately translating these traits into consistent actions and behaviors within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to acknowledge and display organizational values, often with guidance. There is a developing awareness of the importance of virtue in your actions and responses.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate ethical behavior, integrity, and honesty in line with the organization's values. You actively promote and uphold positive values within the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are embodying and consistently demonstrating virtuous behavior in all aspects of your work, serving as a role model for others in upholding ethical principles and values.


Vitality is the demonstration of dynamic energy and resilience in upholding and promoting organizational values. It's about developing a robust, vibrant work culture that values integrity, enthusiasm and tenacity while contributing positively to the mission and vision of the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and display vitality. You exhibit enthusiasm and energy in embracing values of the organization, showing potential for further development and growth.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to values such as resilience, optimism, and perseverance, contributing positively to the overall vitality of the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to embody and promote the core values of the organization with enthusiasm, energy, and a steadfast commitment to personal and professional growth.


Wealth is the demonstration of ethical accumulation and distribution of resources, reflecting an individual's competence, integrity and decision-making ability guided by the organization's values. It represents tangible and intangible assets gained through consistency in values-driven actions and decisions.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand and incorporate the organizational values into wealth generation. You show willingness to learn and apply these values in financial decision-making.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate values-based decision-making in relation to wealth, balancing financial success with ethical considerations and social responsibility.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to prioritize wealth as a means to create positive impact and value for others, aligning your financial success with ethical and moral principles.


Willpower is the individual's enduring capacity to uphold organizational values, despite pressures or influences. It implies self-control and determination, demonstrating a clear commitment to maintaining the principles, integrity, and standards of the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to display self-control and discipline. You demonstrate starting ability to resist short-term temptations to uphold company values and long-term responsibilities.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate strong willpower in upholding and embodying the core values of the organization, even in challenging situations, inspiring others to do the same.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are unwavering in upholding your values despite challenges. You consistently demonstrate strong willpower in making ethical decisions and standing up for what is right.


Wonder is the ability to approach tasks with curiosity, open-mindedness, and a sense of awe, fostering a culture that values exploration, growth, and innovation. It encourages appreciation for diversity, understanding, and continuous learning within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show curiosity and interest in the organization's values, understanding their importance but not yet comprehensively incorporating them into your daily actions and decisions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to deeply reflect on the core values of the organization and consistently demonstrate curiosity and openness to explore new perspectives and possibilities.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to deeply reflect on the impact of your values on your actions and decisions, constantly seeking to align your actions with your core beliefs.


Zenith is the apex of embodying, communicating, and demonstrating the organization's core values. It refers to individuals who consistently lead by example, promoting these values inclusively and transparently, fostering a value-centric culture that drives organizational success and growth.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to embody and express the organization's core values. You recognize their importance and aim to integrate these values into your daily actions and interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently exemplify the organization's core values in all your actions and decisions, demonstrating a deep understanding and alignment with the company's principles.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are an exemplar of values, embodying them in everything you do. Your commitment to integrity, respect, and ethical behavior sets a standard for others to follow.
