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Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making is the aptitude to interpret, understand, and leverage data, transforming it into actionable information, used to guide strategic decisions. It underscores the behavioral competency to be analytically minded, think critically, logically, and transparently, allowing for informed, unbiased decision-making in the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to use data in decision-making. You understand its importance but are still developing the skills necessary to interpret and effectively utilize the information.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to use data effectively to inform decision making, identifying trends, patterns, and insights to drive strategic and impactful behaviors within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently leverage data to make informed, strategic decisions that drive organizational success. You demonstrate a deep understanding of how data influences behaviors.

Crisis Management

Crisis Management is the capacity to effectively respond to unforeseen challenges or emergencies, exhibiting organization, calm demeanor, swift decision-making, and proactive communication. This behavior requires resilience, adaptability, and strong leadership skills, capable of minimizing potential harm and maintaining stability in the workplace environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing skills to respond to crises promptly. You can identify potential crises, gather relevant information, and participate effectively in mitigation efforts.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are adept at swiftly identifying and addressing crises within the organization, demonstrating strong leadership, decision-making, and communication skills to effectively manage and resolve challenging situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effectively lead and coordinate responses to crises, demonstrating strong decision-making skills, calmness under pressure, and the ability to think strategically and proactively.


Resilience is the ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors or changing demands, maintaining optimism and focus, while handling adversity constructively. It reflects an individual's tenacity, adaptability and strength in challenging situations, and their capacity to bounce back from setbacks.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing your ability to recover quickly from setbacks. You begin to show perseverance amidst difficulties, displaying limited but growing stress tolerance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and remain focused under pressure. You demonstrate a positive attitude and problem-solving skills in challenging situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate resilience by bouncing back quickly from setbacks, maintaining a positive attitude, and adapting well to change in challenging situations within the organization.


Adaptability is the ability to adjust one's behaviors and efforts in response to new situations, changes and challenges at work. It requires flexibility, openness to new ideas, and effective problem-solving skills to succeed in varying conditions and environments.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate openness to change. You readily accept new tasks, adapt your approach when required, and show resilience amidst uncertainty and unfamiliar situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to quickly adjust your approach to changes in the workplace, demonstrating flexibility and resilience in the face of unexpected challenges.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, demonstrating high levels of flexibility, innovation, and resilience in your Behaviors within the organization.


Collaboration is the ability to work effectively with others, sharing ideas, knowledge and skills in a respectful and helpful manner. It involves promoting teamwork, avoiding conflicts, appreciating diversity, and actively contributing to collective goals. This behavior benefits the individual, the team, and ultimately, the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to work effectively in a team, sharing ideas openly, showing willingness to cooperate and contribute towards shared goals in a respectful manner.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively engaging with others, sharing information, ideas, and resources, and working together towards common goals within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to foster a culture of teamwork and shared success, consistently seeking input from others and valuing diverse perspectives to drive collaboration within the organization.


Self-awareness is the ability to introspectively understand one's emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. It involves recognizing personal strengths, weaknesses, and how one's actions impact others. This capability is crucial for enhancing interpersonal relations, fostering empathy, shaping reactions, and steering personal growth in a professional context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand your emotions, recognizing their impacts on behavior. You are also developing the ability to identify personal strengths and areas for improvement.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are aware of how your behaviors impact others and the overall work environment. You actively seek feedback and reflect on your actions to continuously improve your self-awareness.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are highly self-aware, constantly reflecting on your actions and how they impact others. You demonstrate a deep understanding of your own emotions and behaviors.


Humility is the ability to acknowledge one's limitations and mistakes, welcome feedback, and appreciate the contributions of others. It involves prioritizing team success over personal glory, fostering a learning environment, and demonstrating respect and empathy towards everyone within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to acknowledge and appreciate contributions of others. You show awareness of your limitations and actively seek guidance to improve.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate humility by showing respect for others, being open to feedback, recognizing your own limitations, and putting the team's success above personal recognition.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate humility by actively seeking feedback, admitting mistakes, and putting the needs of the team above your own ego in all situations.


Innovation is the ability to apply original, creative thought processes in order to bring forth and implement new ideas or improvements. It involves exploring uncharted territories, fostering a curious mindset, continuously learning and adapting, and driving toward inventive solutions that enhance organizational effectiveness.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to explore and adopt new ideas. You occasionally challenge the status quo and are beginning to recognise potential innovative solutions in your area.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to generate and implement creative ideas, continually seek new ways to improve processes, and demonstrate a willingness to take calculated risks in driving innovation.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently generating original and effective ideas, challenging the status quo, and driving continuous improvement through innovative approaches in all aspects of your work.


Inclusivity is the demonstration of valuing and leveraging differences within teams and communities. It involves active listening, fairness, empathy, and respect for all perspectives. This behavior promotes diversity, fosters belonging, ensures equal participation, and creates an environment where all feel empowered to contribute their unique skills.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate an understanding and respect for diverse perspectives, seeking to understand others' viewpoints and developing an inclusive mindset.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively fostering an inclusive environment within your team by valuing and respecting the diverse perspectives, experiences, and ideas of all members.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are skilled at fostering a culture of inclusivity by actively seeking diverse perspectives, valuing all contributions, and creating a sense of belonging for everyone within the organization.


Transparency is the ability to communicate honestly and openly, ensuring all relevant information is shared in a timely and accessible manner. It involves demonstrating integrity, fostering trust, and promoting an environment where actions align with spoken words, enhancing collective decision-making and teamwork.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to exhibit honesty in communication, gradually understanding how truthful expressions influence team dynamics and foster trust in professional relationships.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently open and honest in your communication, sharing information openly and transparently with your colleagues and actively seeking feedback to improve transparency within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are transparent in all your actions, consistently communicating openly and honestly. You demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior, fostering trust and accountability within the organization.


Foresight is the ability to predict or envision potential scenarios. It involves understanding trends, identifying opportunities or risks in advance, and planning strategically. This capability requires observation, analytical thinking, and decision-making skills, and plays a crucial role in an individual's or organization's adaptability and resilience.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are aware of potential outcomes and can anticipate possible challenges. You're beginning to use this foresight to enhance decision-making and guide future behavior.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to anticipate and strategize for future trends and changes within the organization, demonstrating a strong sense of foresight in decision-making and planning behaviors.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to anticipate and plan for future trends and developments in behaviors, effectively strategizing and making informed decisions based on your foresight capabilities.


Accountability is the willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions, demonstrating conscientious, ethical, and transparent behaviors. It involves acknowledging mistakes, learning from them, and leveraging this comprehension to enhance decision-making skills and foster a culture of integrity within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to accept responsibility for your actions. You acknowledge mistakes, learning from them. Occasionally, you demonstrate proactive behaviors to prevent future errors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently taking ownership of your actions, meeting deadlines, and delivering on commitments. You hold yourself accountable for your behavior and always strive for improvement.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently demonstrating accountability by taking full ownership of your actions, decisions, and their outcomes, inspiring trust and confidence in your behavior within the organization.


Empathy is the ability to understand, share and respond constructively to others’ emotions and experiences. It involves active listening, recognizing non-verbal cues, and demonstrating responsiveness, fostering stronger relationships and facilitating better communication in a professional setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to show an understanding and awareness of others' feelings. You are beginning to respond with sensitivity and take into consideration others' perspectives.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate empathy by actively listening, understanding others' perspectives, and showing compassion in your interactions within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate exceptional empathy by consistently understanding and responding to others' emotions, perspectives, and needs effectively to build strong relationships and trust within the organization.

Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance is the ability to effectively manage career-related tasks and personal responsibilities while maintaining personal well-being. This includes managing stress, setting boundaries between work and leisure, exhibiting resilience, prioritizing health, and demonstrating adaptability in changing circumstances.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand the importance of integrating personal needs with workplace demands, beginning to establish boundaries and prioritizing self-care in your routine.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively prioritize tasks and manage your time to ensure a healthy balance between work responsibilities and personal life, leading to improved overall well-being.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effectively prioritize tasks, set boundaries, and manage your time to maintain a healthy work-life balance. You consistently demonstrate self-care and boundaries with others.


Punctuality is the habit of adhering to predefined schedules and timelines. It involves the ability to manage time efficiently, meet deadlines, and arrive at meetings or events promptly, demonstrating respect for others' time. It's a vital trait that promotes discipline and reliability within a professional workplace setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are demonstrating an awareness of the importance of punctuality, though timely attendance and task completion might still present occasional challenges for you.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently punctual, arriving on time for all meetings and deadlines. You respect others' time and demonstrate reliability in your behavior within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently punctual, showing a deep respect for others' time and demonstrating a strong commitment to meeting deadlines and expectations within the organization.


Open-mindedness is the ability to embrace different perspectives, ideas and experiences without bias. It characterizes individuals who actively seek out and are receptive to new and diverse viewpoints, guided by a willingness to challenge their own beliefs, and are adaptive in the face of change, fostering creativity and collaboration.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show willingness to consider new ideas. You acknowledge and value differing perspectives, contributing to the rich tapestry of organizational behaviors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are open-minded in your approach, considering different perspectives and ideas. You actively seek out feedback and are willing to adapt your behaviors based on new information.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are constantly seeking new perspectives, actively listening to others' ideas, and demonstrating a willingness to consider alternative viewpoints with an open and unbiased mindset.


Respectfulness is the consistent demonstration of esteem, courtesy, and consideration towards others. It involves active listening, valuing diversity, understanding boundaries, acknowledging the perspectives and feelings of others, and promoting a harmonious work environment, conducive to collaboration and productive communication.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are learning to show respect to colleagues, displaying basic understanding and acknowledgment of differing views and opinions, whilst beginning to appreciate diversity.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating respectfulness towards others by valuing diverse perspectives, actively listening, and treating everyone with kindness and empathy in all interactions within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you show respectfulness by consistently demonstrating empathy, actively listening, and valuing diverse perspectives. You proactively seek to create a positive and inclusive work environment for all.


Diplomacy is the ability to manage situations tactfully and effectively, respecting the feelings and perspectives of others. This involves clear communication, conflict resolution, and fostering positive relationships, distinctively promoting a harmonious and collaborative work environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are learning to handle sensitive situations tactfully. You're beginning to develop respectful, open communications, and gently influence others in potentially contentious environments.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are skilled at navigating complex interpersonal dynamics, resolving conflicts, and building consensus. You demonstrate tact, discretion, and empathy in all interactions within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are adept at navigating complex interpersonal dynamics with finesse, tact, and grace, achieving positive outcomes even in the most challenging and sensitive situations.


Positivity is the ability to maintain and project an encouraging and optimistic attitude, regardless of the circumstances. It involves fostering an uplifting environment at work, challenging negativity, and creating a positive outlook on tasks, challenges, and interactions with colleagues. It's vital for effective teamwork and workplace morale.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are just starting to cultivate a positive mindset. You begin to exhibit optimism, displaying hopefulness and enthusiasm in a professional setting, while managing negativity well.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to maintain a positive attitude even in challenging situations, effectively influencing the behavior of those around you through your optimistic outlook and encouraging demeanor.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to maintain a positive attitude even in challenging situations, inspiring others with your optimistic mindset and ability to find solutions in difficult circumstances.


Compassion is the capability to demonstrate empathy and understanding towards others, acknowledging their feelings and experiences. It involves showing genuine care and kindness in our interactions, impacting positively on workplace culture. It also includes taking authentic actions to alleviate the suffering of others.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate understanding and empathy for others' feelings. You consciously attempt to show kindness and care, but may still need guidance and practice.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively demonstrating empathy, understanding, and kindness towards others in your interactions. You consistently show compassion in your behaviors and prioritize the well-being of those around you.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate deep empathy, actively listen, and show genuine concern for others' well-being. You consistently exhibit kindness and understanding in all interactions.


Attentiveness is the demonstrated ability to show sincere interest in others and their ideas, actively listen without distractions, notice and interpret both verbal and non-verbal cues, and remain alert and focused in all environments. It highlights respect, empathy, and the capacity to respond effectively to all interactions.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to display attentiveness by actively listening, showing interest in colleagues' insights, and ensuring understanding by confirming and summarizing key points during interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently attentive, actively listening and observing, demonstrating a high level of focus and awareness in all interactions and tasks within the Behaviors framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are highly skilled in actively listening to others, demonstrating deep empathy, and showing genuine interest in their perspectives, fostering strong connections and relationships within the organization.


Honesty is the ethical behavior of demonstrating truthfulness and integrity in all actions, decisions, and communications. It denotes a commitment to authenticity, transparency, and accurately conveying facts without distortion or omission, promoting trust and credibility within the organizational framework.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show consistent honesty in your interactions. You are demonstrating integrity in simple tasks and committing to truthfulness in every action and conversation.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently honest in your interactions and transparent in your communication. You uphold ethical standards, take responsibility for your actions, and demonstrate integrity in all behaviors.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently transparent, truthful, and ethical in all your interactions. You model integrity and inspire others to uphold the highest standards of honesty in their behavior.


Tactfulness is the ability to communicate in a sensitive, considerate manner, demonstrating respect and empathy towards others. This specialized behavioral skill involves effective handling of difficult conversations, preserving relationships, ensuring a positive environment, and facilitating constructive conflict resolution, without compromising the honesty or integrity of communication.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing your sensitivity to handle difficult or delicate interpersonal situations carefully. You begin to appreciate the importance of maintaining respectful, positive relations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate tactfulness in your behaviors by effectively navigating sensitive situations and communicating respectfully and diplomatically with others, fostering positive relationships and avoiding conflicts.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to navigate sensitive situations with grace and diplomacy, demonstrating exceptional tact in your interactions with others in the workplace.


Generosity is the consistent demonstration of willingness to give time, resources, assistance or kindness to others without expectation of reciprocity, facilitating a harmonious and cooperative working environment. This behavior nurtures relationships, fosters teamwork, and contributes to a positive organizational climate.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate acts of kindness and sharing within your team. You're beginning to understand the importance of giving and collaboration in a working environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating generosity by freely sharing resources, knowledge, and support with your colleagues, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently displaying a deep sense of generosity by proactively supporting and uplifting others, fostering a culture of giving and selflessness within the organization.


Gratitude is the ability to acknowledge and express appreciation for the actions of others, promoting positive workplace relationships. It involves showing sincere thankfulness for colleagues' efforts and cultivating an atmosphere of reciprocal respect and acknowledgment. This behavior fosters collaboration, morale, and overall workplace satisfaction.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of gratitude, starting to acknowledge colleagues' efforts, and are taking first steps towards expressing appreciation in an organizational setting.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently expressing appreciation towards others and acknowledging their contributions within the organization, fostering a positive and grateful work environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating genuine gratitude towards others, recognizing and appreciating their contributions and efforts within the organization. You actively show appreciation for teamwork and support.


Initiative is the ability to individually identify and undertake tasks proactively, without being prompted. It involves foreseeing issues, finding solutions, and taking decisive actions while striving for improvement, relying on keen judgment and personal resolve. Pertaining to behaviors, it implies self-directed, proactive actions.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are just starting to take independent actions. You occasionally go beyond responsibilities, showing a desire to contribute positively. Your initiative remains inconsistent.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to take the initiative to identify and address opportunities for improvement, proactively contributing to the success of the team and organization through your actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are proactive in identifying opportunities for improvement, taking the lead in initiating new projects, and demonstrating a strong sense of ownership and accountability in your work.


Fairness is the consistent practice of treating individuals equitably, without favoritism or discrimination. It implies an objective and unbiased approach to decision-making, considering all relevant factors, adhering to established guidelines, and ensuring equal opportunities for all, fostering a transparent and understanding work environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to acknowledge the importance of fair treatment in your interactions. You strive to respect everyone's rights and cultivate objectivity in decision-making processes.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently demonstrating fairness by objectively evaluating situations, treating all individuals with respect and equality, and making decisions based on impartiality and transparency.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently impartial and objective in your decision-making, ensuring fairness for all individuals involved. You actively promote equity and justice within the organization.


Dedication is the ability to remain committed to tasks, goals, or missions within an organization, persisting through challenges. It entails showing loyalty, putting forth constant effort, demonstrating reliability, and displaying resilience even in the face of adversity, all to contribute positively to organizational outcomes.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show commitment and loyalty. You demonstrate initial understanding of tasks, consistently engage in them, and actively seek to improve your performance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are committed to your work and consistently demonstrate dedication by showing up on time, meeting deadlines, and going above and beyond to achieve goals.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are unwavering in your commitment to achieving goals, consistently displaying a high level of dedication to your work and embodying a strong work ethic in all tasks.


Flexibility is the capacity to adapt one's thoughts and actions promptly and effectively to varying or unexpected conditions. It involves open-mindedness, accepting change positively, adjusting strategies, assuming different roles, and altering one's behaviors according to the situational demands within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to adapt your approach when faced with changes and showing willingness to learn new behaviors for different situations or procedures.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to adapt easily to changing situations, remain calm under pressure, and adjust your approach based on the needs of different individuals or circumstances.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to adapt seamlessly to changing circumstances, consistently demonstrating a high degree of flexibility in your approach to tasks and interactions within the organization.


Thoroughness is the ability to attend to, process and understand ideas and details attentively, with accuracy and precision. It encompasses meticulousness, consistency, and diligence. It involves continual improvement, considering all angles, and striving for comprehensive completeness in all tasks and interactions.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing an understanding of thoroughness. You acknowledge the importance of reviewing work for accuracy and commit to careful task completion. You aim to eliminate errors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently thorough in your approach, ensuring all aspects of tasks are carefully reviewed and completed with attention to detail, contributing to high-quality outcomes in Behaviors.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are meticulous in your approach to completing tasks, consistently ensuring all aspects are addressed thoroughly and accurately. You demonstrate a high level of attention to detail.


Approachability is the degree to which an individual displays welcoming, friendly behavior, encouraging others to communicate openly. It involves exuding empathy, active listening, and respect, fostering a positive environment that invites involvement, promotes understanding, and facilitates effective interpersonal relationships.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are aware of the importance of approachability and seek to be a positive force within the team, consistently demonstrating respect and openness in your interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently approachable and welcoming to others, making them feel comfortable and at ease in your presence. You actively engage with others in a warm and genuine manner.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently approachable and welcoming, creating a positive and inclusive environment for others. You actively seek feedback and are open to diverse perspectives and ideas.


Creativity is the ability to generate, embrace, and implement novel and beneficial ideas or solutions. This behavior includes thinking outside conventional frameworks, pushing boundaries, and effectively utilizing imagination and innovative thinking to overcome workplace challenges and improve organizational performance.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to show originality in your work, capable of suggesting new ideas or solutions, albeit, still needing guidance and feedback on your creative process.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently generate innovative and original ideas, apply creative thinking to solve problems, and adapt creatively to changing situations within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently generating novel ideas, solutions, and approaches, pushing boundaries and challenging assumptions to drive innovation and creativity within the organization.


Decisiveness is the ability to make clear, definitive choices efficiently, while considering relevant information and potential consequences. It involves commitment to these choices and acting upon them assertively, demonstrating confidence and conviction in one's behavior. It requires judgement, sound reasoning, and emotional intelligence.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing the ability to make decisions confidently and efficiently, using available information and considering potential consequences, while displaying appropriate urgency.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to make timely and effective decisions, considering all relevant factors and confidently taking decisive action when needed within the Behaviors framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to make quick, well-informed decisions and take decisive actions without hesitation, setting a clear direction for yourself and others within the organization.


Resourcefulness is the ability to find and use available resources creatively and efficiently to solve problems or address challenges. This involves thinking critically, acting proactively and adaptively, and leveraging resources in innovative ways to achieve desired outcomes in a business environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to generate creative solutions in response to challenges. You're beginning to adapt and apply resources effectively, displaying initial signs of resourcefulness.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively navigate challenging situations by creatively and proactively seeking out resources and solutions within the Behaviors competency framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate exceptional resourcefulness in navigating challenges, finding creative solutions, and adapting quickly to changes within the organization's Behaviors framework.


Inclusiveness is the ability to accept, value and consider diverse perspectives in decision-making. It encompasses developing environments fostering equitable participation, promoting understanding and granting equal opportunities, regardless of differences like race, gender, age or cultural background, thereby enriching corporate culture with diversified ideas.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to recognize differences and diversity in people. You understand the importance of an inclusive environment and are beginning to contribute to inclusiveness in the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively fostering a culture of inclusiveness by valuing diverse perspectives, creating a welcoming environment, and promoting collaboration among all team members.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently fostering a culture of inclusiveness by actively seeking diverse perspectives, promoting equity, and creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.


Judiciousness is the ability to make sound and prudent decisions based on a thorough understanding of situations, conditions, and potential implications. It involves wise discernment, good judgement and farsightedness in behavior, fostering positive and sustainable outcomes within an organizational context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to demonstrate prudent judgement. You analyze situations accurately and make decisions that consider appropriate factors, learning to balance risk with potential reward.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to exercise sound judgment and make well-thought-out decisions based on a thorough understanding of the situation and its potential impact on behaviors within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate impeccable judgment and decision-making in complex situations, always considering the impact of your actions on others and the organization.


Agility is the capability to rapidly adapt and respond to unexpected changes. It involves flexibility and quick decision-making, maintaining balance amidst chaos. In behaviors, agility allows one to switch tasks or strategies easily and effectively, reflecting resilience and adaptability in a dynamic working environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to adapt to changes. You can pivot tasks when needed, accept new approaches, and respond to challenges with curiosity and resilience.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to quickly adapt and change your approach when faced with new challenges or opportunities, demonstrating flexibility, resilience, and the ability to think on your feet.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are adept at adapting quickly to changes, proactively seeking out new opportunities, and confidently navigating uncertainty with resilience and creativity in your behaviors.


Commitment is the dedicated, unwavering drive demonstrated by an individual towards fulfilling responsibilities and achieving goals. It is characterized by steadfastness in difficult situations, demonstrating resilience, and a willingness to give time, energy, and effort to deliver outstanding results. It involves setting high standards and constantly striving for excellence.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate consistency in actions, values, and goals. You exhibit initial willingness to invest time and energy towards organizational objectives.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating dedication, reliability, and loyalty to the organization, going above and beyond to meet goals and commitments in a timely and effective manner.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating unwavering dedication to organizational goals, going above and beyond expectations to ensure the success of the team and the organization as a whole.


Self-control is the conscious ability to regulate impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals. It involves resisting short-term temptations, exhibiting patience and restraint, and maintaining focus and composure, contributing to effective behavior in professional settings.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to exhibit some self-control, particularly in low-stress situations. You are learning how to manage impulses and reactions, needing guidance occasionally.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to regulate your emotions and impulses effectively, demonstrating self-discipline and composure in challenging situations, contributing to a positive work environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate self-control in challenging situations, regulating your emotions and reactions effectively to maintain composure and make thoughtful decisions within the Behaviors framework.


Dispassion is the ability to make logical decisions by maintaining emotional neutrality, objectively analyzing situations without bias or prejudices. It involves balancing empathy with rational thinking, thus enabling fair decision-making and preventing one's thoughts, actions, or behaviors from being clouded by personal emotions.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate objectivity in difficult situations, using reason over emotions, but still have a journey to undertake to consistently embody dispassionate behavior in every aspect of work.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to maintain a sense of detachment and objectivity in your behavior, allowing you to make rational decisions and avoid being swayed by emotions in challenging situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to maintain a detached and impartial attitude in all situations, ensuring that personal biases and emotions do not cloud your judgment or decision-making within a Behaviors framework.


Awareness is the ability to perceive, acknowledge, and understand the dynamics in a work environment. It encompasses the sensitivity towards other's emotions, cultural nuances, and complexities in interpersonal relationships, while also recognizing one's own behavior, reactions, and the broader implications within the organizational context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to develop an understanding and responsiveness towards the dynamics of your behavior and its impact both personally and within your professional space.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate a strong awareness of Behaviors, consistently recognizing and understanding their impact on yourself and others within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate a deep understanding and awareness of Behaviors, consistently integrating them into your decision-making process and influencing others through your actions.


Charisma is the influential ability exhibited through one's behavior, to inspire and attract people, creating a positive and powerful impression. It involves articulating visions persuasively, displaying personal authenticity, inspiring trust, and evoking emotional responses to create and sustain momentum for achieving organizational goals.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to captivate others with a unique charm. You're beginning to effectively showcase conversational skills and inspire through positive actions and words.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to effectively engage and influence others through your charismatic presence and strong communication skills, building rapport and inspiring trust within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effortlessly exude charisma in all your interactions, captivating and inspiring those around you with your magnetic presence and charismatic personality.


Conscientiousness is the innate behavior reflecting an individual's diligence, reliability, and thoroughness. It involves self-discipline, meticulousness, and a strong sense of duty, enabling employees to perform tasks efficiently within specified timelines. In essence, it manifests as consistently aligning personal conduct with organizational expectations.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show diligence, responsibility, and care in your duties. You are showing signs of being orderly, displaying neatness, and following rules and regulations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently reliable, demonstrating a strong work ethic and a high level of attention to detail. You take ownership of your responsibilities and strive for excellence.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating a strong sense of responsibility, reliability, and diligence in your work. Your conscientiousness sets a high standard for others to follow.


Consideration is the behavior of acknowledging and responding to others' feelings, needs, and thoughts. This capability involves respectful communication, empathy, patience, and understanding, contributing to effective collaboration and a positive work environment within any organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show awareness of others' needs, feelings, and concerns. You tend to understand and act in situations where empathy is required, albeit inconsistently.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate consideration in your behaviors by actively listening to others, showing empathy, respecting diverse perspectives, and taking others' needs into account.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating empathy, respect, and inclusivity in your interactions with others. You actively seek diverse perspectives and adapt your approach to meet individual needs.


Eagerness is the behavioral inclination towards proactive initiative, a strong desire to accomplish tasks and objectives, and an anticipation for new opportunities. It underpins activities requiring self-motivation, curiosity, and an enthusiastic approach towards work and learning processes within the organizational setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to display an eagerness to learn and work. You demonstrate this by showing a consistent interest in personal improvement and organizational growth.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are eagerly seeking out opportunities to contribute to the success of the team and organization through your proactive and enthusiastic approach to tasks and challenges.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating a strong enthusiasm for taking on new challenges, seeking out opportunities for growth, and proactively contributing to the success of the team.


Efficiency is the ability to perform tasks in a timely, productive manner, ensuring optimal resource utilization. This behavior involves streamlining processes, minimizing waste, and identifying best practices to achieve maximum output with minimum effort, contributing to organizational success and personal development.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to understand and manage your own time and resources. You're starting to streamline your work processes and optimize tasks for improved efficiency.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively manage your time and resources to accomplish tasks efficiently and meet deadlines consistently within the Behaviors capability framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate optimal time management and prioritize tasks effectively to increase productivity and achieve objectives efficiently within the organization.


Encouragement is the behavior of giving others confidence and support to accomplish tasks, persist in challenges, and develop skills. It involves providing positive reinforcement, fostering a supportive environment, and motivating individuals towards their personal and professional growth within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to display enthusiasm for collaboration and team dynamics. You occasionally motivate peers, fostering positivity and growth, showing your potential in this competency.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively fostering a positive environment by encouraging and supporting others to achieve their goals, recognizing and praising their efforts and accomplishments within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently inspiring and motivating others through positive reinforcement, recognizing and celebrating achievements, and fostering a supportive and encouraging work environment within the organization.


Expressiveness is the individual's ability to communicate emotions, thoughts, and ideas effectively and creatively through various forms. This includes verbal and non-verbal means, using appropriate language, tone, facial expressions and body language to ensure clear and impactful conveyance of messages.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to effectively communicate emotions and ideas. You can convey simple thoughts clearly, but more complex concepts may still require development and practice.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively communicate your ideas, thoughts, and emotions through various mediums and channels within the Behaviors capability framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effectively express your ideas and emotions in a clear, concise, and impactful manner, influencing and inspiring others with your communication skills.


Helpfulness is the proactive inclination to assist others, providing support or information to aid in their tasks or challenges. It involves excellent communication, empathy, and problem-solving skills to understand needs and take appropriate action. This behavior fosters teamwork, drives collaboration, and enhances organizational cohesion.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are discovering the ways to assist others. You start showing interest in others' needs, trying to offer help when possible, even if limited and guided.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently helpful and supportive towards others in achieving their goals and resolving issues, demonstrating a strong understanding of teamwork and collaboration within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating exceptional support and assistance to your colleagues, going above and beyond to ensure their success and well-being within the organization.


Industriousness is the consistent demonstration of a strong work ethic and dedication, marked by diligent, focused effort towards achieving tasks. It involves showing initiative, maintaining productivity even in challenging scenarios, and constantly seeking ways to improve performance and efficiency. It displays persistence, resilience, and tirelessness in work behavior.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate a consistent work ethic. You show persistence in tasks, start taking initiative, and are showing signs of increased efficiency and productivity.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently hardworking, diligent, and focused on completing tasks efficiently to meet deadlines. You proactively seek out new opportunities for improvement and strive for excellence.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently diligent, proactive, and persistent in your work. You go above and beyond expectations, demonstrating a strong work ethic and drive for success.


Insightfulness is the ability to perceive, understand, and critically analyze diverse behavioral patterns. It involves applying deep intuitive understanding to predict and influence organizational outcomes effectively, enhancing decision-making and fostering improved work relationships.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to identify connections and underlying patterns, and recognize their implications. You are starting to draw meaningful insights from experiences and observations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to analyze complex situations within Behaviors, identify patterns, and make insightful connections to inform decision-making and drive strategic solutions effectively.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to gain deep insights into behaviors within the organization, identifying patterns and trends to drive strategic decisions and implement effective change initiatives.


Introspection is the personal ability to self-examine one's thoughts, feelings, and actions, allowing for a deeper understanding of oneself. In a behavioral context, it's a critical capability for recognizing, understanding, and modifying behaviors which impacts personal and professional growth.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to recognise your own emotions, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and taking initial steps to actively acknowledge and address your behaviors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to engage in introspection regularly, reflecting on your behaviors, actions, and interactions to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to regularly review and analyze your own behaviors, motivations, and beliefs, identifying areas for growth and actively seeking feedback to improve your self-awareness and personal development.


Intuition is the ability to understand and respond to complex situations using instinctive feelings rather than relying solely on rational thought. It's demonstrated by making insightful decisions or predictions without complete information, interpreting non-verbal cues effectively, and effectively trusting one's inner voice in workplace contexts.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to understand your gut-feelings and instincts. You occasionally make decisions based on these feelings, though guided by others' advice and evidence.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively utilize intuition to make decisions and solve problems in a way that aligns with the organization's values and goals.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to intuitively anticipate market trends, emerging opportunities, and potential risks within the Behaviors framework, guiding strategic decision-making with unparalleled foresight and insight.


Joyfulness is the exhibited ability to consciously foster a positive, uplifting environment through an outward expression of genuine happiness. This includes creating and maintaining optimism, engaging others positively, and encouraging an attitude of gratitude, thus promoting a constructive, joyful workplace culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to regularly display joy and positivity in your interactions. You can recognise and consciously choose to demonstrate joyfulness in straightforward situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to exhibit joyfulness consistently in your interactions, creating a positive and uplifting atmosphere within the workplace. You actively seek out opportunities to spread joy.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently bring joy, positivity, and enthusiasm to your work environment. You inspire and uplift others through your infectious happiness and optimistic attitude.


Meticulousness is the behavioral capability of demonstrating extreme care and precision in one's work. It involves attention to detail, thoroughness in task completion, and diligence in adherence to standards and procedures, ensuring high quality and minimizing errors.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to develop a focused attention to detail. You demonstrate a basic ability to check your work thoroughly, identifying and correcting minor errors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate meticulousness by consistently paying attention to detail, ensuring accuracy and thoroughness in all your work within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are exceptionally meticulous in your approach to Behaviors, consistently demonstrating attention to detail, thoroughness, and precision in all tasks and interactions within the organization.


Nurturing is the ability to support, encourage and foster both personal and professional growth in others. It includes empathy, patience and understanding, combined with the ability to provide constructive feedback, guidance and resources for development, promoting a positive, learning-focused environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand the importance of fostering supportive relationships. You demonstrate initial attempts at encouraging others' development and growth within the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are adept at nurturing positive relationships, fostering teamwork, and creating a supportive environment. You consistently demonstrate empathy, actively listen, and provide guidance to others.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are adept at nurturing behaviors, consistently demonstrating empathy, patience, and support in fostering positive relationships and creating a nurturing environment within the organization.


Orderliness is the consistent demonstration of methodical, well-organised behaviors, resulting in a neat and systematic working environment. This includes maintaining a clutter-free workspace, streamlining operations, following standard operating procedures, and promoting punctuality and planning, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to embrace orderliness. You show ability in maintaining cleanliness and organization in your workspace but might need reminders or prompts for consistency.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently maintaining a neat and organized work area, demonstrating attention to detail and following processes effectively to ensure smooth operations and efficiency within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are meticulous in your organization and management of tasks and resources, demonstrating a high level of attention to detail and efficiency in all aspects of your work.


Passion is displaying an intense, enthusiastic commitment towards the tasks, roles or projects assigned. In terms of behavior, it underlines an individual's fervor in engaging with work, demonstrating high energy, resilience, and taking personal ownership for achieving their objectives, which invariably contributes to organizational success.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show enthusiasm for your work. Your actions reflect basic understanding and appreciation, with room to develop a deeper passion and commitment to your role.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate genuine enthusiasm and commitment towards your work, motivating others through your passion for the organization's goals and values.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are deeply committed to your work, consistently demonstrating enthusiasm and dedication that inspires others. You actively seek opportunities to drive innovation and excellence in your Behaviors.


Proactiveness is an individual's ability to prioritize, initiate, and take decisive action in advance to prevent potential issues, foresee opportunities, and achieve goals. It involves predicting future challenges through foresight, planning, and continuous learning which reflects adaptability, responsibility, and growth-oriented behavior within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to anticipate and tackle issues effectively. You may require assistance or guidance, but you're demonstrating a growing understanding of proactive behaviors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently proactive in identifying opportunities, addressing challenges, and taking initiative in driving positive change within your team and organization through your proactive behaviors.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are constantly anticipating, initiating, and taking proactive steps to address any issues, challenges, or opportunities that may arise within the organization.


Readiness is the capacity to anticipate, adapt and respond proactively to changes in an organizational environment. It involves demonstrating a positive attitude towards change, showing flexibility in shifting priorities, and maintaining composure under stress or ambiguity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show initiation and willingness to act. You display preliminary understanding of the importance of promptness, preparation, and flexibility in various situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate readiness by consistently displaying adaptability, resilience, and proactiveness in responding to changing circumstances and taking initiative to address challenges within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate exceptional readiness in adapting to changing situations, proactively seeking opportunities for growth, and consistently displaying a high level of resilience and agility.


Receptiveness is the ability to openly accept and consider different ideas, feedback, or perspectives. It encompasses non-defensive listening, objectivity and adaptability, promoting a supportive and inclusive workplace environment conducive to collaborative problem-solving and innovative thinking.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to appreciate different perspectives, actively listen to others and demonstrate an openness for feedback and new ideas within your working behavior.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to actively listen and show openness to new ideas and feedback from others, demonstrating a willingness to learn and adapt in various situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently open to new ideas, feedback, and perspectives. You actively seek out opportunities to learn and grow, demonstrating a high level of receptiveness in all interactions.


Reciprocity is the ability to engage in exchanges and interactions with an equal give-and-take approach. This behavior encourages mutual understanding, respect, and empathy, fostering a balanced work environment. Practicing reciprocity stimulates healthy relationships, productive cooperation, and promotes a positive organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to practice reciprocity. You take into account others' perspectives, engage in fair exchanges, and understand the value of mutual benefit in interactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively establish and maintain reciprocal relationships with others, demonstrating a willingness to give and receive support, feedback, and collaboration in a Behaviors context.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are skilled in initiating and maintaining reciprocal relationships within the workplace, demonstrating a deep understanding of the importance of give-and-take dynamics in all interactions.


Reflectiveness is the ability to assess one’s actions and behaviors, thoughtfully considering personal areas of strength and improvement. It involves inward observation, constant curiosity, and openness to learning from experiences, aiding in behavioral improvements for effective functioning and productivity within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate reflective behavior, showing initial awareness of your actions and their impacts, occasionally seeking feedback to grasp potential areas of improvement.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are regularly reflecting on your behaviors, identifying areas for improvement, and actively seeking feedback to enhance your skills and performance within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently reflect on your Behaviors, interpreting them within the context of the organization's goals, values, and culture to drive meaningful change and growth.


Respect is the ability to value and acknowledge others' experiences, ideas, and beliefs, demonstrating consideration and empathy in interpersonal interactions. This includes understanding boundaries, appreciating diversity, and fostering a positive, inclusive environment through words and behaviors. Recognition and appreciation are fundamental practices in sustaining respect.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand and value differences in others, showing a fundamental level of consideration and courtesy in your daily interactions within the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating respect by valuing diverse perspectives, treating others with empathy, and fostering an inclusive environment within the organization through your actions and words.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently demonstrating respect by valuing diverse perspectives, fostering inclusive environments, and actively promoting equity and fairness in all interactions within the organization.


Responsiveness is the ability to react quickly and effectively to changes or requests. It involves adapting one's behavior to meet evolving circumstances or needs, demonstrating a commitment to timely action, and showing an open and positive attitude towards change and improvements.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show initiative in responding to issues. Your actions demonstrate understanding of prompt and effective responses, but guidance is still required occasionally.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently responsive to others' needs and communicate effectively and respectfully. You actively listen and adapt your approach to provide timely and helpful support.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently proactive in addressing feedback, adapting quickly to changing circumstances, and consistently exceeding expectations in your responsiveness to colleagues, clients, and stakeholders within the organization.


Savviness is an individual's ability to make smart, effective decisions and directly identify biases, context, and nuance. It involves discerning potential implications of actions and behaviors, cleverly navigating complex situations, and efficiently leveraging knowledge, skills, and resources for optimal benefit.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to anticipate and understand the complexities of situations. You display initial foresight, utilise subtle cues, and demonstrate basic tactical judgment in decision-making.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate excellent situational awareness, quick thinking, and adaptability in navigating complex social dynamics and interpersonal relationships within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to navigate complex social dynamics with ease and sophistication, demonstrating exceptional emotional intelligence and intuitive understanding of human behavior in various organizational settings.


Self-discipline is the ability to control one's feelings, desires, and behavior consistently, even under challenging circumstances. This skill is crucial for maintaining professionalism, managing time effectively, and successfully achieving objectives, making it a key behavior in a workplace setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to cultivate consistent work habits. You manage your time efficiently, fulfill commitments, and demonstrate self-control under stressful situations. This denotes growth in self-discipline.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate self-discipline in your behaviors, maintaining focus and motivation to achieve your goals and uphold the standards set by the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating self-discipline by proactively managing your emotions, focusing on tasks at hand, and maintaining a strong sense of accountability and responsibility in all aspects of your work.


Self-efficacy is the individual's belief in their ability to execute tasks and reach goals. It relates to behaviors as one's level of self-efficacy can greatly influence their attitudes, efforts, and resilience when facing challenges in the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to establish confidence in your own abilities. You demonstrate the ongoing process of developing positive self-belief during initial professional tasks and responsibilities.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate strong belief in your own abilities to successfully complete tasks and achieve goals, influencing your behaviors towards positive outcomes.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate a strong belief in your ability to achieve goals, overcome obstacles, and succeed in challenging situations within the organization.


Selflessness is an individual's ability to prioritize the organization's needs above their own, demonstrating a willingness to sacrifice personal interest for the benefit of others. It requires empathy, consideration, and a strong focus on teamwork and collaboration in all behavioral interactions within the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to put others’ needs before self, actively listening and demonstrating empathy. You are showing initial understanding of shared goals and collective success.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently putting the needs of others ahead of your own, actively seeking opportunities to assist and support your colleagues and the organization as a whole.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently putting the needs of others before your own, demonstrating a strong commitment to teamwork and collaboration, and always striving to create a positive impact.


Sobriety is the ability to maintain a clear-headed and alert state of mind, refraining from substance misuse, and demonstrating self-control. It manifests as reliable, consistent behavior, sound decision-making, and unimpaired professional performance, fostering a safe and productive workplace environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of sobriety. You show occasional restraint and self-control, demonstrating an increasing ability to maintain professional behavior in all environments.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate sobriety in your behavior, maintaining composure and professionalism even in challenging or high-pressure situations within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate impeccable integrity, sound judgment, and self-control in all situations, serving as a role model for others within the organization.


Sociability is the capacity to interact effectively and build beneficial relationships with others. This behavior includes demonstrating empathy, active listening, open-mindedness, and humility while fostering a cooperative, diverse, and inclusive work environment. It instigates teamwork, respect, knowledge sharing, and promotes a harmonious organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to build connections. You regularly interact, display open communication, and show understanding of diverse points of view in the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to build strong relationships, actively listen, and effectively communicate with others in various professional settings, demonstrating empathy and emotional intelligence in your interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to effectively engage with others, build strong relationships, and navigate complex social dynamics with ease. Your sociability enhances team collaboration and fosters a positive work environment.


Strategy is the capability to conceive, develop and implement plans that meet organization goals. It entails forward-thinking, analytically scrutinizing data, anticipating obstacles, assessing opportunities and risks, and adopting proactive approaches towards problem-solving mitigating the incidence of reactive behaviors.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand strategic concepts. You're learning how organization goals align with strategic initiatives and starting to implement strategies under managerial supervision.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to develop and execute strategies that align with organizational goals, adapt to changing environments, and effectively communicate strategic decisions to team members.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are a master at analyzing complex situations, developing innovative strategies, and effectively communicating them to drive sustainable business outcomes within the organization.


Supportiveness is the capacity to provide encouragement, assistance, and guidance to others. It involves actively participating in an individual’s growth by providing resources, sharing knowledge, giving positive feedback, and fostering a nurturing environment conducive to professional and personal development.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to show empathy, actively learning to listen and offer assistance. You're developing an understanding of others' needs in a professional context.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating supportiveness by actively listening, offering assistance, and showing empathy towards your colleagues. You provide encouragement and help create a positive work environment.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are empathetic, understanding, and actively support others in achieving their goals. You consistently demonstrate a genuine commitment to helping and encouraging those around you.


Tact is the ability to communicate difficult or sensitive information in a considerate, respectful manner. This behavioral capability involves understanding others' perspectives, maintaining confidentiality, and constructively managing conflicts, while fostering positive relationships within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to develop empathy and sensitivity towards others' feelings. You're still learning to navigate sensitive subjects with care and to control your reactions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to navigate sensitive situations with finesse, choosing your words and actions carefully to maintain positive relationships and avoid conflict within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to navigate sensitive situations with grace, demonstrating exceptional emotional intelligence and diplomacy in your interactions with others within the organization.


Teachability is an individual's propensity to receive, process, and implement feedback effectively. It pertains to keenness for continuous learning, openness to experience, and adaptability in changing guidelines or procedures. This behavioral capability emphasizes the individual's capacity to grow and improve within organizational contexts.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate a willingness to learn. You show some curiosity, seek guidance when needed, and begin accepting feedback for personal growth.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively convey complex information and concepts in a clear and concise manner, adapting your teaching style to meet the needs of different audiences.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effectively teach and guide others in acquiring new knowledge, skills, and behaviors, demonstrating exceptional communication, adaptability, and patience in the process.

Team orientation

Team orientation is the capability to collaborate effectively within groups, demonstrating empathy, understanding, and active participation. It encompasses the ability to compromise, communicate openly, and work towards shared objectives, thus fostering positive interpersonal relationships and boosting collective output.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show understanding towards teamwork. You participate in group work and contribute positively to achieve shared team goals for the overall benefit of the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to work effectively in a team, contributing your skills and knowledge while collaborating with others to achieve common goals in a professional and respectful manner.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating a deep commitment to fostering collaboration, inclusivity, and trust among team members. You excel at inspiring and uniting others towards a common goal.


Timeliness is the ability to complete assigned tasks within the stipulated deadlines, demonstrating effective time management and punctuality. It reflects an individual's adaptability, reliability, and commitment, which influence team efficiency and productivity in an organizational setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are aware of the importance of timeliness, striving to meet deadlines, but may need reminders or assistance to ensure tasks are completed on schedule.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently meeting deadlines, managing your time effectively, and prioritizing tasks to ensure smooth workflow and delivery of results within the expected timeframe.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently punctual, honoring deadlines and commitments. You proactively manage your time, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently and on schedule, setting a high standard for others.


Trustworthiness is the ability to consistently demonstrate honesty, integrity, and dependability in actions and communication. It involves nurturing relationships based on respect and transparency, earning others' confidence through ethical behavior, and fulfilling commitments reliably, fostering a safe and trusting environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate honesty and integrity. You show reliability in straightforward, routine situations and start building trust with consistency in your actions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating trustworthy behaviors by being honest, reliable, and transparent in your actions, building strong relationships based on trust and integrity within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating trustworthiness by maintaining confidentiality, keeping promises, and always acting in a reliable and responsible manner, fostering a culture of mutual respect.


Unselfishness is the ability to prioritize the needs, objectives, and growth of the team or organization over personal gain. It involves sharing resources, knowledge, and benefits while demonstrating inclusive behavior, nurturing collaborations, and facilitating collective success in professional settings.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand the importance of prioritizing others' needs, displaying initial efforts towards sharing, and a willingness to sacrifice personal interests.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating unselfish behavior by prioritizing the needs of the team and organization over your own personal interests and goals.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently demonstrating unselfish behaviors by putting the needs of the team and the organization above your own personal interests, showing genuine care and support for others.


Uplifting is the ability to inspire and motivate others, fostering a positive environment. This includes recognizing others' strengths, encouraging development, and promoting teamwork. It's about creating an atmosphere of optimism and enthusiasm, assisting in the growth and betterment of one's self and those around them.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate uplifting behaviors, actively seeking out opportunities to improve morale, and showing a basic understanding of motivation and positive reinforcement techniques.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently uplifting others through your words and actions, creating a positive and motivating work environment. You actively encourage and support your colleagues to achieve their best.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently uplift and motivate your team, fostering a positive and empowering work environment through your actions, words, and encouragement.


Watchfulness is the proactive ability to remain alert, aware and attentive in various situations, closely monitoring and understanding behavior changes, trends, details or anomalies. This capability involves keen observation and discernment, enabling swift and effective responses to potential challenges, ensuring the safety and stability of the organizational environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show signs of being alert and attentive. You are cautious and meticulous, working towards becoming consistently observant in your professional environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively observant, noticing details and patterns in behaviors that others may overlook. You anticipate potential issues and take appropriate actions to prevent them efficiently.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are acutely aware of your surroundings and consistently vigilant in monitoring behaviors, patterns, and potential risks within the organization.


Willingness is the proactive disposition to accept tasks and challenges, display a positive attitude, and go beyond set roles and responsibilities. It underlines a readiness to adapt, cooperate, and take initiatives while embodying resilience and openness to learning within an organizational behavioral context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to establish trust and openness, displaying willingness to engage in new tasks and challenges, and accepting advice or feedback.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are consistently willing to adapt to changing situations, seek feedback, and collaborate with others to achieve goals within the Behaviors capability framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently demonstrating a strong willingness to adapt to change, take on new challenges, and collaborate effectively with others to achieve organizational goals.


Wittiness is the ability to express thoughts in a quick, inventive, and humorously intelligent manner. It's an essential capability for engaging stakeholders effectively, fostering a positive work environment and stimulating creative problem-solving in a team setting. Ideal for roles requiring strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to exhibit quick and clever responses. You are developing an understanding of how to lightheartedly address situations without compromising professionalism.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are skilled at using humor and cleverness to build rapport, lighten the mood, and create a positive, engaging work environment within the Behaviors framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to use wit and humor in a strategic and intentional way to build relationships, diffuse tension, and create a positive and engaging work environment.


Accommodation is the demonstration of understanding and adaptability in responding to others' needs, emotions, and capabilities. It involves effectively adjusting one's own behavior or approach per individual or situation, promoting harmonious work relationships and fostering an inclusive environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to adjust your behavior to meet organizational demands. You demonstrate the capacity to adapt and accommodate differing viewpoints and work styles.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively adapt your communication style and approach to accommodate the needs and preferences of others, promoting inclusivity and collaboration within the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and easily accommodate to different preferences, personalities, and communication styles within a team environment.


Affability is the consistent demonstration of friendly, good-natured, and easy-going behavior, fostering a pleasant and approachable atmosphere. It involves actively engaging in positive interactions, displaying genuine warmth and respect, and encouraging open and effective communication within the workplace.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are learning to engage, connect, and interact well with others. You are working on demonstrating kindness, making others feel comfortable and maintaining a positive demeanor.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate friendly and approachable behavior towards colleagues and customers, facilitating positive interactions and building strong relationships within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effortlessly build rapport with others, creating a positive and welcoming work environment. You consistently demonstrate exceptional interpersonal skills and maintain strong professional relationships.


Affirmation is the ability to express or display positive acknowledgement or validation in response to individual's actions or ideas. It involves fostering an encouraging environment by building self-esteem and confidence within the team, thereby enhancing productive behavior and promoting mutual respect.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to understand the importance of affirmation in interactions with peers and superiors, showing initial attempts to uplift and positively reinforce others’ behavior.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to provide positive feedback, recognition, and encouragement to others in a genuine and constructive manner, fostering a culture of support and appreciation within the team.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to provide consistent, genuine and impactful affirmations to others, demonstrating a deep understanding of the importance of positive reinforcement in driving behaviors within the organization.


Amiability is the propensity to display pleasant, agreeable, and congenial behaviors, advancing positive interpersonal relationships. It involves demonstrating respect, kindness, and empathy, contributing to a supportive, collaborative work environment. The ability to resolve disputes amicably and maintain harmony is integral to this capability.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to display friendliness and approachability in your interactions. You are starting to show a respectful, positive demeanor towards colleagues consistently.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently displaying warmth, friendliness, and empathy towards others in your interactions, fostering positive relationships and creating a harmonious working environment within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate genuine kindness, empathy, and respect towards others in all interactions, fostering positive relationships and creating a supportive work environment.


Anticipation is the capacity to predict, foresee, or expect office events, scenarios or behaviors. An individual with this capability can strategically plan or adjust reactions, enhancing productivity, collaboration, and response time within the workplace. It epitomizes proactive behavior and action-driven planning.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to understand patterns and forecast situations. Your anticipation skills are developing, already showing foresight in everyday situations within the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to anticipate and adapt to changes in behaviors, foreseeing potential challenges and proactively addressing them within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to anticipate and proactively respond to changes and challenges in behaviors within the organization, driving positive outcomes and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


Appreciation is the behavioral skill of recognizing and valuing the efforts, accomplishments, or qualities of others. It includes outwardly expressing gratitude and understanding, fostering a positive, encouraging environment, and highlighting the significance of individual contributions to the team's success.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to recognize and value the contributions and differences of others. You demonstrate a growing ability to appreciate diverse perspectives and ideas.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate appreciation for others' contributions, acknowledging their efforts and showing gratitude for their hard work within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to not only recognize the effort and contributions of others, but also articulate genuine and meaningful appreciation for their specific behaviors and actions within the organization.


Articulacy is the ability to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and effectively through verbal and nonverbal communication. It involves presenting information logically, persuasively, and with confidence, which contributes positively to relationship management and influence within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing the capacity to express yourself clearly and effectively, beginning to present ideas coherently and connecting effectively with other team members.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to express yourself clearly and effectively in various mediums within the organization. You can articulate ideas and information concisely, contributing to successful communication.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to articulate complex ideas and strategies effortlessly, using concise and persuasive language. Your communication is clear, engaging, and inspires action within the organization.


Assurance is the confidence and poise displayed by an individual in their own abilities and decisions. It involves expressing oneself assertively, demonstrating a positive attitude, instilling trust, and ensuring others of their competence and reliability in carrying out tasks and responsibilities efficiently.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate confidence and reliability in your tasks. You seek assurance in your decision-making process and are developing trustworthiness in your actions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently provide assurance to others through clear communication, attention to detail, and a proactive approach to addressing concerns within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate a high level of assurance in your behaviors, inspiring trust and confidence in others through your actions and decisions.


Attractiveness is the ability to draw positive attention, engagement, and participation from others through one's behaviors. This includes displaying qualities such as charisma, warmth, respectfulness, and inclusivity, which inspire positive perceptions and foster productive interactions within a professional environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to understand the importance of conveying appealing behaviors within a professional setting, both visually and in communication, to positively impact others' perception.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate behaviors that consistently make you and your work attractive to others. You are skilled at creating positive impressions and building strong relationships.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to exhibit a high level of charisma, charm, and presence, attracting others effortlessly through your engaging and compelling demeanor in all interactions.


Audacity is the ability to demonstrate boldness and courage in decision-making, often challenging norms or prompting innovative approaches. It involves risk-taking, confidently voicing unpopular opinions, and confronting difficult situations with resilience, all while maintaining respectfulness and integrity in alignment with organizational values.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to display courage and willingness to take calculated risks. You engage in bold actions in familiar contexts, while demonstrating respect and professionalism.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are demonstrating audacity by taking calculated risks, challenging the status quo, and confidently pushing boundaries to drive innovative solutions and positive change within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating audacity by taking bold risks, challenging the status quo, and fearlessly pushing boundaries to drive innovation and positive change within the organization.


Availability is the proactive demonstration of readiness or accessibility to engage and participate, reflecting positively on work dynamics. It includes timely presence, responsiveness to requests, adaptability and consistent commitment to duties, illustrating a behavior favouring cooperative teamwork and organizational efficiency.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to display availability. You're present and ready to assist when needed, but may need additional guidance to manage your time effectively and efficiently.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating a strong sense of reliability and are able to effectively manage your time and commitments to ensure you are consistently available as needed.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are consistently setting clear boundaries and managing your time effectively to maintain optimal availability for team collaboration and project deadlines in the workplace.


Avidity is the behavioral capacity of demonstrating intense enthusiasm, passion or zeal towards tasks or objectives, marked by proactive engagement, purpose-driven participation, assertiveness in communication, and consistent eagerness to learn and adapt for optimal performance and outcome.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing a passion for reaching your objectives. You are starting to display eagerness and dedication in learning and applying new concepts and behaviors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate a strong enthusiasm and passion for your work, showing dedication and drive to achieve your goals within the Behaviors capability framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate an unwavering passion and enthusiasm for achieving goals, consistently showing a strong drive and determination in all your behaviors.


Brilliance is the ability to continuously inspire and innovate, demonstrating exceptional intellectual acuity or creativity. It signifies nurturing a conducive atmosphere that promotes new ideas and strategic thinking, with an emphasis on improving individual or organizational performance. This behavior fosters positivity, enhances productivity, and uplifts team spirit.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are just beginning to display sparks of brilliance. You show a strong inclination and capacity to learn new skills that set you apart from others.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate brilliance in your behaviors, consistently exceeding expectations and setting a high standard for others to follow within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating exceptional creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills. Your brilliance in behaviors sets you apart as a visionary and leader within the organization.


Buoyancy is the ability to demonstrate resilience, maintaining enthusiasm and positivity in face of adversity. It embodies one's capacity to bounce back from setbacks, displaying an optimistic outlook that fosters a positive workplace culture, enables problem-solving and enhances adaptability.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to display resilience in challenging situations. You show initial signs of maintaining optimism and energy when faced with obstacles in your job tasks.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to maintain a positive attitude and resilience in challenging situations, demonstrating adaptability and the ability to bounce back from setbacks effectively.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to maintain a positive attitude and resilience in challenging situations, bouncing back from setbacks and inspiring others to do the same within the organization.


Candidness is the ability to communicate openly and honestly, while displaying a genuine manner. It entails forthright sharing of perspectives in an appropriate and respectful manner, and welcoming others' viewpoints, thus fostering trust and transparency within a team or organizational context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to openly express your thoughts and ideas. You handle hard truths tactfully and express yourself truthfully, albeit occasionally with reluctance.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are open and honest in your communication, providing feedback and sharing your thoughts in a respectful and constructive manner within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are fully transparent in your communication, providing honest feedback even in challenging situations. You demonstrate authenticity, building trust and fostering open dialogue within the organization.


Capability is the demonstrable competence to perform tasks and duties, involving the application of knowledge, skills, and behaviors. It is gauged by one’s ability to apply learned behaviors in differing contexts, showing adaptability and progression in their professional role.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate basic understanding of expected behaviors, showing initial signs of effective interaction, cooperation and positivity in the organizational environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate the Behaviors capability by effectively applying your knowledge and skills to achieve desired outcomes within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate exceptional Behaviors capability, setting a standard for others to follow. Your performance is consistently outstanding, showcasing mastery in this area.


Carefulness is the ability to exercise extreme caution and attention to detail in the execution of tasks. It involves taking the necessary steps to prevent mistakes, maintaining an environment of safety, and considering the potential impacts of actions on colleagues and the overall organizational goals.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate attentiveness towards details. You strive to avoid errors, displaying an initial understanding and application of careful behavior within your work environment.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently mindful of the details, ensuring accuracy and precision in your work. You actively take steps to prevent errors and maintain high quality standards.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are meticulous in your attention to detail, consistently ensuring accuracy and precision in all Behaviors-related tasks. Your thoroughness sets you apart as a model of Carefulness.


Celerity is the ability to respond swiftly to changing situations with thoughtful action and decision-making. It involves adapting behaviors quickly to meet new challenges, maintaining productivity and effectiveness under pressure while balancing speed and quality of response.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to exhibit celerity: showing initial signs of swift decision making and productive behavior with potential for acceleration in the workplace.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate agility and quickness in your actions, adapting easily to changes in pace or priorities within a Behaviors framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate exceptional celerity in your behaviors, responding quickly and efficiently to both internal and external stimuli with agility and precision.


Charitableness is the consistent demonstration of empathy, and altruism, fostering positive relationships through selfless acts. It involves aiding others unconditionally, dedication to philanthropic activities, and promoting generosity and kindness in the workplace, contributing to an inclusive and supportive organizational culture.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to show readiness to give and help others, understanding the importance of altruism in the workplace. However, greater consistency is needed in charitable behaviors.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently demonstrating acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion towards others within the organization. You actively seek out opportunities to support and help those in need.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are consistently demonstrating an exceptional level of generosity, empathy, and willingness to help others, contributing positively to a culture of compassion and support within the organization.


Classicism is the ability to draw on time-honored traditions, models and standards to guide behavior. It emphasizes a polished, professional manner, respect for established norms, and alignment of personal conduct with venerable principles within the organization, thereby promoting stability and consistency across all levels.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to appreciate, understand and recognize classicist ideologies in organizational structures, and beginning to apply these principles in your behavioral attitudes and responses.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to actively demonstrate behaviors that align with classical principles, showcasing a strong understanding and application of traditional concepts and practices within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate a deep understanding and application of Classicism in your behaviors, consistently embodying traditional principles and values in your work.


Cleverness is the ability to understand, interpret, and resolve complex issues with ingenuity. It involves demonstrating adaptive reasoning, strategic thinking, and novelty in actions, contributing to effective problem-solving and innovative solutions. This behavioral trait may also translate into swift learning and mastering new concepts.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate cleverness by identifying unique solutions to simple problems frequently encountered in your role. You're quick to learn from experience and apply knowledge.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to demonstrate cleverness by strategically solving complex problems, thinking outside the box, and adapting quickly to changing situations within the Behaviors competency framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate cleverness in your behaviors, using strategic thinking and innovative solutions to tackle complex challenges within the organization.


Cogency is the ability to communicate ideas and arguments in a persuasive, compelling, and logical manner. This behavior involves clarity of thought, coherence in presenting ideas, and utilizing effective reasoning to influence others.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to develop your ability to be clear, convincing, and compelling in your arguments and presentations. Continued growth and refinement is suggested to increase cogency.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to present your arguments with clarity and logic, ensuring that your ideas are convincing and easy for others to understand within Behaviors competency framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to convey your thoughts and arguments in a concise, clear, and logical manner, demonstrating exceptional cogency in your communication within the organization.


Coherence is the ability to consistently align behaviors with clearly defined values and practices. It involves maintaining logical connections and consistency in actions, communications, and decision-making. This competency aids in creating trust and understanding within an organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are developing your ability to connect ideas logically. You often achieve clarity and cohesion in your communication, but struggle with complex behavioral situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate coherent behaviors in your work, effectively connecting ideas and concepts to ensure a clear and logical flow in your communication and actions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to consistently demonstrate a high level of coherence in your behaviors, ensuring that your actions align with the organization's values, goals, and strategies.


Communion is the ability to establish a deep, empathetic, and reciprocal connection with colleagues. It involves fostering an inclusive environment, acknowledging diverse perspectives, effective listening, and promoting collaboration. This collective interaction enhances interpersonal relationships and organizational cohesiveness, amplifying productivity and innovation.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to establish meaningful relationships and utilize group dynamics. While you may need support, you're understanding the importance of team integration into workplace culture.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively communicate and collaborate with others, fostering a sense of community and teamwork within the organization. You actively listen, respect diverse perspectives, and build positive relationships.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to demonstrate exceptional interpersonal skills, fostering a strong sense of unity and collaboration within the team. You effectively promote open communication and empathy.


Competence is a behavioral capability entailing one's ability to perform assigned tasks efficiently and effectively. It includes necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities, coupled with subsequent actions that meet or surpass organizational expectations. This proficiency contributes to successful outcomes, fostering personal growth and positive team dynamics.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate and develop fundamental behaviors needed for effective competence. Your actions reflect initial understanding and bare minimum standards.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to consistently demonstrate effective problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities in various situations, contributing to successful outcomes and overall team cohesion within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to consistently demonstrate deep understanding and mastery of behaviors, effectively influencing and inspiring others to achieve higher levels of performance and collaboration.


Comprehension is the ability to understand, interpret, and apply information effectively. This includes recognizing key messages, drawing accurate conclusions, and using knowledge to influence behavior and decision-making. Achieving comprehension requires active listening, focused attention, and critical thinking skills.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to grasp new concepts. Your comprehension skills are developing; you're beginning to interpret simple information and understand basic behavioral expectations within the organization.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to demonstrate a strong understanding of behaviors within the organization, interpreting information effectively and applying it appropriately in various situations.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to analyze complex behaviors, identify patterns, and understand underlying motivations. You can adapt your communication style to effectively engage with diverse individuals and situations.

Adaptability to Change

Adaptability to Change is the capability to effectively, confidently and proactively manage, respond to and influence change. It involves demonstrating resilience, maintaining productivity under pressure or in unpredictable situations, learning from experience, and continuously adjusting behavioral approaches to achieve optimal outcomes.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are beginning to demonstrate adaptability during periods of change. You show willingness to accept new tasks and can adjust behaviors in response to evolving circumstances.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to embrace and adapt to changes in the work environment effectively, demonstrating a flexible and resilient attitude towards new challenges and uncertainties.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to quickly and effectively adapt your behaviors to navigate and thrive in dynamic and ever-changing environments within the organization.

Conflict Engagement

Conflict Engagement is the ability to acknowledge, navigate, and effectively manage disagreements or confrontations, employing effective communication, negotiation, and resolution strategies. It includes recognizing differing perspectives, fostering an open dialog, and working cooperatively to achieve mutual resolution, thereby promoting a positive, productive working environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are able to recognize potential conflicts, displaying a basic understanding of conflict resolution strategies and starting to manage minor disagreements proactively.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to navigate and manage conflicts effectively, demonstrating strong communication skills and emotional intelligence in resolving disagreements and finding mutually beneficial solutions within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are adept at navigating complex conflicts within the organization, facilitating constructive dialogue, and fostering resolutions that align with the organization's values and goals.

Digital Etiquette

Digital Etiquette is the thoughtful and respectful use of digital communication tools. It encompasses understanding the appropriate speech, behavior, and interactions in digital environments, accounting for cultural and personal sensitivities. This capability promotes respect, professionalism, and the responsible use of digital media in an organizational context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to understand key principles of digital etiquette. You are respectful, considerate and maintain privacy online, but need supervision and guidance to improve.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are demonstrating a high level of professionalism and respect in all digital interactions, understanding and adhering to proper online communication etiquette within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are demonstrating impeccable digital etiquette by consistently showing respect, professionalism, and mindfulness in all online interactions, setting a positive example for others to follow.

Emotional Regulation

Emotional Regulation is the ability to manage and control one's feelings, reactions, and emotions in a constructive manner. This behavior promotes effective interactions, aids decision-making, and contributes to the overall wellbeing and productivity of both individuals and the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to recognize your own emotional responses and reactions. You start to develop tools to manage and control your emotions in various situations.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to regulate your emotions effectively in various situations, demonstrating self-awareness and the ability to manage and express your feelings appropriately in the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to effectively regulate your emotions in various situations, demonstrating a high level of self-awareness, resilience, and emotional intelligence in your behaviors.

Feedback Seeking

Feedback Seeking is the proactive pursuit of constructive criticism and advice, essential for personal and professional growth. It involves actively soliciting feedback from colleagues, superiors, and subordinates, exhibiting a willingness to listen, and utilizing the advice to improve one's behavioral traits within the organization.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to solicit feedback, occasionally requesting input or insights into your work. Your understanding of the importance of constructive feedback is growing.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are proactive in seeking feedback from others and actively use the information to improve your behaviors, showing a high level of self-awareness and adaptability.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are proactive in seeking feedback on your behaviors, consistently soliciting input and incorporating it to enhance your performance and contribute to a positive organizational culture.

Holistic Thinking

Holistic Thinking is the ability to understand and interconnect various aspects in a situation, acknowledging their interdependence for decision making. This skill implies comprehending both tangible and intangible factors, integrating diverse perspectives to form a comprehensive viewpoint, fostering collaborative problem-solving and innovation in a workplace setting.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to integrate different perspectives in your thought process, showing early signs of comprehending and considering multiple elements for problem-solving.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to see the big picture and consider all aspects of a situation when making decisions or solving problems within the Behaviors capability framework.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to analyze complex situations from multiple perspectives, integrate various factors and variables into a comprehensive understanding, and make informed decisions to achieve holistic outcomes.

Information Sharing

Information Sharing is the proactive distribution of relevant information within a team or organization. This behavior reinforces transparency, open communication, mutual trust and fosters collaborative decision-making processes, driving higher productivity and innovation ultimately.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to recognize the value of sharing ideas and information. You are learning the core methods and platforms of efficient communication within the team.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are consistently sharing relevant information with colleagues, actively listening to others' perspectives, and adapting your communication style to ensure clear understanding and collaboration within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to effectively share information in a clear, concise, and timely manner, fostering a culture of transparency, collaboration, and knowledge sharing within the organization.

Listening Actively

Listening Actively is the practice of consciously engaging in conversation by focusing on the speaker, interpreting their messages accurately, demonstrating understanding through responsive cues, and refraining from interrupting. It requires an open mind, patience, and empathetic mindset to effectively comprehend the content and context.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to fully engage in conversations by avoiding interruptions, maintaining eye contact and showing interest in the speaker's perspective. Mastery requires dedicated practice.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are actively engaged in listening to others, demonstrating empathy and understanding their perspectives. You ask clarifying questions and provide thoughtful responses, building strong connections.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to demonstrate exceptional active listening skills by fully engaging in conversations, asking thoughtful questions, and providing insightful feedback to support positive behaviors within the organization.

Mental Agility

Mental Agility is the ability to think quickly, logically, and flexibly to understand and solve complex problems, adapt to new environments, process new information, and understand multiple perspectives. It embodies resilience, resourcefulness, and innovation, which are significant in mastering work-related behaviors and tasks.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are starting to demonstrate mental agility, exhibiting an openness to new ideas and showing initial signs of adapting your thinking in response to varying circumstances.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to quickly adapt to changing situations, think critically, and make decisions that align with organizational goals, demonstrating strong mental agility in various scenarios.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, think critically, and solve complex problems with ease within the Behaviors capability framework.

Multicultural Competency

Multicultural Competency is the ability to effectively interact, communicate, and work with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. It involves understanding, respecting, and appreciating cultural differences, being aware of personal biases, and demonstrating adaptability in behavior across various cultural contexts.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to appreciate diversity, showing openness to learning about different cultures. You respect cultural differences, but may not yet understand all nuances.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level, you are able to effectively navigate and communicate across diverse cultural backgrounds within the organization. You demonstrate respect, empathy, and adaptability in your interactions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to effectively navigate and communicate across diverse cultural backgrounds, demonstrating sensitivity, empathy, and adaptability in your behaviors towards others.

Network Building

Network Building is the ability to create, cultivate and maintain relationships within and outside the organization. It involves proactive engagement, effective communication, and strategic connecting with key individuals to facilitate the exchange of information, support, and resources, thereby promoting collaborative and productive behavioral work environments.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to establish connections, both internally and externally. You show interest in others, initiate introductions and participate in networking opportunities.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are adept at establishing and nurturing professional relationships across various networks, actively seeking opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge within the organization and beyond.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are adept at establishing and nurturing strong connections with a diverse range of individuals, expanding your network strategically and effectively through genuine relationships and mutual trust.


Objectivity is the ability to perceive and comprehend situations without biases or prejudices. It involves discerning facts from personal emotions or preconceptions, thereby enabling unbiased decision-making. This behavior leads to fair, impartial actions and judgments, promoting diversity and inclusivity in a professional environment.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate an ability to view situations without bias or prejudice. This includes recognizing personal perceptions and striving for an unbiased perspective.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to maintain objectivity in all situations, remaining focused on facts and data rather than personal biases. You can assess situations rationally and make unbiased decisions.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to maintain objectivity in all situations, consistently making decisions and judgments based on facts and evidence rather than personal biases or emotions.

Problem Sensitivity

Problem Sensitivity is the ability to recognize and identify potential problems or challenges in the workplace. It involves being alert to subtle cues, changes, or patterns of behavior that may indicate underlying issues, allowing for proactive remediation and the prevention of further complications.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate awareness and recognition of potential problems, although may need assistance in identifying effective strategies or solutions.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are adept at identifying potential issues, understanding their implications on Behaviors, and taking appropriate action to prevent or address them effectively within the organization.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to anticipate and identify potential issues and challenges within behaviors, proactively addressing them to ensure a positive and productive work environment.

Quick Learning

Quick Learning is the ability to swiftly grasp, understand and apply new information, skills or behaviors. This includes efficiently adapting to changes, promptly assimilating new knowledge into existing frameworks, and swiftly implementing these adjustments in behavior, thereby enhancing overall performance and productivity.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to grasp new concepts swiftly. You're developing an ability to apply gained knowledge quickly and showing potential for fast-paced learning.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to quickly adapt to new information and apply it effectively in your work, demonstrating a high level of agility and willingness to learn continuously.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to quickly adapt to new situations, learn from experiences, and apply this knowledge effectively in a variety of behaviors within the organization.

Social Influence

Social Influence is the ability to sway others' attitudes, behaviors or decisions in a manner that is ethical, respectful and suited to diverse cultures. It includes methods such as persuasion, negotiation, and compelling communication, underpinned by emotional intelligence and understanding of group dynamics.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to wield influence in social contexts, showing a basic understanding of group dynamics, and starting to effectively persuade or motivate others.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively influence others through your social skills, networking abilities, and persuasive communication to drive positive outcomes and collaboration within the workplace.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are adept at effectively leveraging social influence to drive behavioral change and foster positive relationships within the organization. You effortlessly inspire and motivate others to achieve strategic objectives.

Technological Adaptation

Technological Adaptation is the ability to navigate, embrace, and effectively adapt to advancements in technology in one's professional role. This behavior requires a willingness to learn, openness to change, and capacity to implement new technological processes and tools for efficiency and improved performance.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level, you are beginning to navigate and utilize new technology. You show openness to learning and adapting, but still require support and guidance when facing technological challenges.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively adapt to new or evolving technologies within the workplace, demonstrating flexibility and willingness to learn and utilize new tools and systems.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level you are able to quickly adapt to new technologies, seamlessly integrating them into your workflow and demonstrating a high level of proficiency in utilizing technological tools for optimal performance.
