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Openness to criticism

Openness to criticism

Related Terms:

Openness to criticism is the willingness to listen to and consider criticism, feedback, or suggestions, without becoming defensive or taking it personally. It is an important trait for anyone to have, as it allows them to learn and improve based on the perspectives of others. It also demonstrates humility and a willingness to grow and change.

Beginner competence definition

A beginner in openness to criticism may struggle to receive feedback or criticism in a constructive manner. They may become defensive or dismissive of feedback and may lack the ability to learn from it.

Intermediate competence definition

At the intermediate level, individuals are able to receive feedback or criticism in a constructive manner. They can separate the message from the messenger and can take the feedback and learn from it. They may also give feedback to others in a constructive manner and recognize the importance of open communication in the learning process.

Advanced competence definition

Advanced-level individuals not only receive feedback or criticism in a constructive manner, but actively seek it out. They take the feedback and learn from it. They give feedback to others in a constructive manner and recognize the importance of open communication in the learning process. They apply feedback to make adjustments and improvements in their work. In our experience, they understand that criticism is an ongoing process that helps them to improve and develop, so they’re open to continuously learning and evolving in their work and personal life.




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