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Capability Library


Developing and implementing governance policies and procedures

Developing and implementing governance policies and procedures

Related Terms:

This capability is the ability to create and put in place a set of guidelines and processes that help an organization govern itself in an effective and efficient manner. Governance policies and procedures typically cover a range of areas, including financial management, risk management, compliance, and ethical behavior.

Beginner competence definition

Individuals at the beginner level understand the importance of governance policies and procedures and have basic knowledge of their purpose. They should be able to identify relevant policies and procedures and apply them in their day-to-day work. They are also able to communicate with their team and stakeholders about these policies and procedures.

Intermediate competence definition

Intermediate-level individuals are able to create new governance policies and procedures as well as update existing ones. They can assess the effectiveness of current policies and procedures and recommend improvements. They are also able to educate their team and stakeholders on the importance of these policies and procedures and their implementation.

Advanced competence definition

At an advanced level, individuals have a deep understanding of governance policies and procedures and are able to assess the impact of these policies on the organization as a whole. They should be able to evaluate the effectiveness of governance policies and procedures and make recommendations for changes. They can also influence stakeholders and senior management in implementing changes to governance policies and procedures.


Managing and creating corporate reputation


Managing compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

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